[Crackplot] Elves in the woods!

Jul 14, 2010 18:33

The woods are calm this day. It's not yet high noon, and there are birds singing quietly in the trees above.

To any who do not know the secret drama behind the curtain of leaves, it is an idyllic scene in a perfect world - fresh and peaceful.

Oh, but if you knew.

Hiding somewhere in the green is Carnistir Moryofinwë, the fifth son of Fëanor, murderer of Elrond, yet sworn to his service. He is hot-headed and harsh-tempered, but true as well, in his own way. He fled strife - his way of offering a peace he can never have for himself. Faraday, his lady - his wife, he would say in the secret of his heart - went with him. Together, they made a home, harder to find for some than for others.

Somewhere under the canopy of leaves Caranthir the Dark, Prince of the House of Finwë stalks in search of game, and his footsteps are as light as his sword is sharp.

Beware to those who seek him - he is not easy game to hunt.

[OOC: So, I'm just using Cara's journal for my nefarious purposes, and it's not exactly a crackplot. There was talk in the elven circles of organizing a hunt for Cara and possibly the other missing two, so this is a space for it. I posted my own elves below. Feel free to tag them, but I may be slow as I am technically on hiatus. So in short, there will be elves and their allies in the woods looking for missing kin. Any who is likely to be in such a place should feel free to, well, bump into elves and friends. And maybe Cara will show up eventually when his typist is no longer drowning in academia, who knows? Whether Faraday is stumbled upon or not is up to her typist, of course.

This might have happened earlier, but everyone was, er, busy. So in short, thread away, this is basically, a mixer of a different flavor, pretend I'm, er, not here. >.< And of course, feel free to ask if this tl;dr is confusing, er >.< .]

zz:(dropped)celegorm, celebrimbor, zz:(dropped)faraday, zz:(dropped)maeglin, feanor, aredhel, galadriel, zz:(dropped)armand st. just (novel), zz:(dropped)lucivar yaslana, ambarussa, asato tsuzuki, !crackplot, caranthir

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