
Jun 24, 2010 00:08

He was glad to have left the wheelchair behind. The geostigma had gone at last and the weakness he'd felt for some time in his body had finally disappeared, leaving Rufus Shinra feeling again like the healthy, confident young man in his twenties he'd been before that horrible disease had infected him.

His first instinct upon discovering that he had somehow left the city behind was to be alert and cautious. He was alone but he had his shotgun. He hefted it and checked the barrel. He frowned when he saw that it was empty. Glancing around he set his jaw and held the weapon at his side but ready to be pointed at any threat instantly. He had no bullets but that was something others didn't need to know - and bluffing was something he could be very good at.

Remaining cool and calm, he stalked forward, his well-cut mostly-white three-piece suit and coat flowed behind him in an elegant manner. Approaching the Mansion itself now, he paused a moment and icy blue eyes glanced upward to survey the bulding for any sign of guards or other people. He missed the presence of his Turks but while he would feel safer with them by his side he felt he could still handle himself for the time being, if he was in some way attacked.

Name: Rufus Shinra
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Media: The original game and Advent Children film
Other relevant info: Taken from a little past the end of FFVII: Advent Children
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

zz:(dropped)enjolras, zz:(dropped)rufus shinra, !introduction, johnny rockfort, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)reno

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