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weristdas_graal June 19 2010, 22:44:27 UTC
If she ventures onto the porch at some point, she may find a blond young man in medieval garb, poring over a thick book with ornate type, in between writing something with a clumsy-looking thick pencil on several loose sheets of paper. If she approaches, he pauses in his work and glances up at her. "Greetings, dear lady," he says, rising and bowing to her. "What brings you to the Mansion?" he asks, innocently. And despite the dagger at his belt, his entire demeanor radiates innocence and gentleness.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 03:48:05 UTC
Dahlia takes in his dress, and his demeanor. This looks like a fun one.

"Hello, Mr. Knight," she greets him shyly with a coy smile. "Is that what they call this place? The Mansion?"


weristdas_graal June 21 2010, 21:12:55 UTC
"Aye, I have heard no other name given to it," he replies. Then with a bow, he adds, "I am Sir Parsifal, vassal of King Arthur, Knight of the Holy Grail and Protector of the Sacred Lance. But who might your Ladyship be and how came you to grace this realm with your beauty?"

Chivalry isn't dead here, and this fellow defines "innocent and naive"...


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 03:37:00 UTC
Dahlia blushes and smiles. "Dahlia Hawthorne. I..." She decides not to tell him she was condemned to capital punishment. "I'm not sure. I simply awoke on the grass over there." She gestures toward the pond.

"The Holy Grail and the Sacred Lance sound awfully important," she notes.


weristdas_graal June 22 2010, 03:58:10 UTC
"There have been some who have found themselves here quite suddenly: I was journeying through a forest on the edges of a French nobleman's domain when I found myself approaching this place and thinking it his manor house, when it was in faith, a different place entire," he says, with nothing but compassion for this likely lost and confused damsel in distress.

He smiles and bows his head humbly. "Aye, they are indeed: they are two of the most sacred relics in the Christian faith, the one is the chalice from which our Lord drank at the Last Supper. And God has chosen me out of the least of His Children to offer my strength to protect them. While the Grail dwells in its castle, I have recovered the Lance from a sorcerer who stole it, intending to use it against the Brotherhood of the Grail. I was on the road to returning it to it's rightful shrine when I arrived in this place."


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 04:08:35 UTC
"So that very important lance is here, in this mansion?" Dahlia gasps.


weristdas_graal June 22 2010, 04:18:49 UTC
"Not within the walls of the house, nay, but it lies enshrined within a chapel, the construction thereof had been begun before my arrival and which it seems God brought me here to bring to completion," he replies. "I am soon to dedicate that place of worship and peace, for those who dwell here that seek some place wherein to pray or to think without disturbance."


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 04:21:02 UTC
Good to know...

"That's very admirable, Mr. Parsifal. Would you show me the chapel sometime?" she asks.


weristdas_graal June 22 2010, 04:40:45 UTC
He bows to her, smiling. "It would be an honor and a privilege to be your escort, my Lady Dahlia. But since you are newly arrived, shall I help you to find a room in which to lay your fair head and rest from your journey?"


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 04:46:55 UTC
"I would be much obliged for your dear company." She curtsies again and smiles. "I'll follow your lead, good sir Knight."


weristdas_graal June 22 2010, 06:18:36 UTC
Her proffers the crook of his arm to her and if she takes it, he gladly leads her inside and up the stairs. "I think you will find this a fair and restful place and a gracious one," he says. "There are a number of genteel folk here, including her ladyship, Queen Gueneviere, my liege's wife and lady."


awomanthorned June 23 2010, 01:45:58 UTC
"Oh my gosh, there's even a queen here!" Dahlia gasps. She takes his arm delicately and follows his lead.

"It must be nice to have your own queen here with you."


weristdas_graal June 23 2010, 05:18:50 UTC
"Aye, it was as if a small part of Britain had come to rest in this place, and I felt -- nay, I knew it to be a sign that God wished me to be here, to serve the good folk as best as I can," he says, leading her down a hallway. He lets her go long enough to test a few doors, and finally finds one open. He bows to her and pushes open the door. "Your chamber awaits you, my lady Dahlia."


awomanthorned June 24 2010, 00:48:55 UTC
Dahlia nods with a smile, then takes a step to view the room.

"Oh, it's beautiful, Mr. Parsifal!" she gasps. "Thank you so much for helping me find it."


weristdas_graal June 24 2010, 00:56:49 UTC
He smiles and bows again to her. "I am glad your ladyship found a bower that pleases your heart and eye," he says. "Is there aught else that I can do to serve at this time?"

I'm suddenly amused by the idea of Dahlia working her wiles on our guileless knight...


awomanthorned June 24 2010, 02:06:17 UTC
"Actually, Sir Parsifal..." she starts quietly. "I know I should probably rest, since I have only just arrived... But I so want to see more of this place." She looks up at the knight with big eyes. "Would you... show me a little more? I just feel restless, finding myself in a new place."

I'm quite enjoying it. ^^


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