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Comments 488

Helpful doctor ahoy! doctor_pascal June 19 2010, 21:00:44 UTC
Pascal was just on his way to the lake, and spots the falling petals, though he missed Dahlia's gesture.

He reaches down and picks one up, looking at it. "I suppose a child might have been a touch too playful," he says thoughtfully. And then he notices the lovely young lady, and starts.

"Good afternoon, Madame." He's unfailingly polite, of course.

Sent this one randomly, not sure who else you'd like to see here, but feel free to let me know! ^^


Re: Helpful doctor ahoy! awomanthorned June 20 2010, 03:45:33 UTC
Dahlia is surprised to be greeted, and she puts on her sweetest face.

"Good afternoon, kind sir," she says. "Would you... be so kind as to help me? I'm so lost..." She tucks her chin to the side, feigning shyness.

No problem, I love running into puppets I've never seen before. :)


Re: Helpful doctor ahoy! doctor_pascal June 20 2010, 04:44:57 UTC
"Of course," he replies, very kindly. "You are at the Mansion," he tells her. "Not where you were before, I reckon."

He has no clue as to her deception.

Is cool! Might send a third one if I have an idea. ^^

Also, per the note The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled up there, you can assume that Pascal briefed Dahlia and set her up in the interactions below - so you don't have to RP the explanation over and over and over again. (Unless it's a Dahlia thing and she's doing it on purpose, of course.) &hearts


Re: Helpful doctor ahoy! awomanthorned June 20 2010, 15:16:31 UTC
"Oh, no. Nothing like where I was before." She shakes her head.

She delicately lifts her hand and looks at him with her big, doe eyes, wordlessly asking to be helped stand.

Oh, she's doing it on purpose. Butter up the medieval man's ego sort of thing. :)


weristdas_graal June 19 2010, 22:44:27 UTC
If she ventures onto the porch at some point, she may find a blond young man in medieval garb, poring over a thick book with ornate type, in between writing something with a clumsy-looking thick pencil on several loose sheets of paper. If she approaches, he pauses in his work and glances up at her. "Greetings, dear lady," he says, rising and bowing to her. "What brings you to the Mansion?" he asks, innocently. And despite the dagger at his belt, his entire demeanor radiates innocence and gentleness.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 03:48:05 UTC
Dahlia takes in his dress, and his demeanor. This looks like a fun one.

"Hello, Mr. Knight," she greets him shyly with a coy smile. "Is that what they call this place? The Mansion?"


weristdas_graal June 21 2010, 21:12:55 UTC
"Aye, I have heard no other name given to it," he replies. Then with a bow, he adds, "I am Sir Parsifal, vassal of King Arthur, Knight of the Holy Grail and Protector of the Sacred Lance. But who might your Ladyship be and how came you to grace this realm with your beauty?"

Chivalry isn't dead here, and this fellow defines "innocent and naive"...


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 03:37:00 UTC
Dahlia blushes and smiles. "Dahlia Hawthorne. I..." She decides not to tell him she was condemned to capital punishment. "I'm not sure. I simply awoke on the grass over there." She gestures toward the pond.

"The Holy Grail and the Sacred Lance sound awfully important," she notes.


x_postal_ines June 20 2010, 02:18:28 UTC
Smoker on the porch, and rather amused with herself (people are so fun to poke, in this place!)

Here is Ines, not a very nice woman, dead as well, and rather... idly observing the passersby on the porch.

She might be waiting for someone - or maybe that's what she wants you to think.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 03:51:20 UTC
As Dahlia approaches the porch, she notices the woman. Her intuition says something is a little different about this woman, but she can't say what.

"Hello," she says with a sweet smile.


x_postal_ines June 20 2010, 04:52:07 UTC
"Hello," Ines replies, and glances at the new girl. Like candy with a hard center, or something like that. She reminds Ines of British peppermints.

She blows a long plume of smoke from her GauloiseTM.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 15:18:56 UTC
Dahlia covers her mouth and nose with a hand and coughs delicately.

"Nice weather, isn't it?" she comments glancing back onto the lawn. "Is it always so lovely here?"


cute_shinigami June 20 2010, 04:56:33 UTC
At some point, if she ventures into the kitchen, she may find a handsome young man rummaging in the fridge and taking out an uncut red velvet cake. When he spots her, he has to quickly set it down on a nearby table before he drops it. "Oh, hello there, Miss, I almost didn't see you there," he says.

With that rumpled, boyish appearance -- his green shirt untucked from his blue jeans and his brown hair on end -- and those wide violet eyes, he looks innocent and harmless and trustworthy, like a puppy.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 15:21:37 UTC
That's her favorite sort of image.

He looks like Feenie... she thinks, all intentions evil.

"Hello, sir," she says sweetly. "My name is Dahlia - Dahlia Hawthorne. What's yours?" She even curtsies slightly.


cute_shinigami June 21 2010, 04:17:13 UTC
"I'm Asato Tsuzuki, but please, just call me Tsuzuki," he replies with a bow, friendly and open. "So you must have just gotten here? I'd certainly remember a pretty face like yours."

He doesn't suspect anything: susceptible young man plus cunning but very lovely lady can often equal one thing...


awomanthorned June 22 2010, 03:10:11 UTC
Dahlia blushes. She tucks her chin and averts her eyes coyly.

"I have. Do you always flatter the new girls?" She raises her eyes shyly.


pinkduelist June 20 2010, 05:36:33 UTC
If Dahlia goes over to the gardens she'll will find a leggy, pink haired teenage girl doing stretches for a running session around the garden. Despite her tomboyish ways and the sword near her feet, she is pretty naive and pure.


awomanthorned June 20 2010, 15:24:26 UTC
Dahlia wanders through the gardens, her lacy parasol up to shield her from the sun. The grass tickles her feet through her open-toe butterfly heels.

She sees a girl with pink hair and approaches, curious and of course wanting to get on everyone's good side.


pinkduelist June 20 2010, 18:13:27 UTC
She sees the pink-clad, red- haired girl and smiles at her. “Hi. I haven't seen you around here...

Dahlia's more kooky older sister in spirit is coming later...


awomanthorned June 21 2010, 03:18:03 UTC
"I'm new here," Dahlia offers. "My name is Dahlia - what's yours?"

Oh boy, I can't even imagine who... But I'm excited!


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