[Introduction] Stay tuned!

May 27, 2010 22:56

He threw the tabloid in the fire - just one of many in the dark alley. There were a few glowing things in his pockets, safely concealed away from prying eyes.

GraveRobber - Robert Graves, some said, but not all - wanted for peddling the cheap ersatz painkiller, wanted for robbing from those who were on longer wanted - this one grave robber, tomb raider, cemetery prowler turned away from the crowd of nigh nude nymphs and vanished into the darkness.

He had a place, of course, and when he slipped into his humble and dirty shelter, he was just taking a moment of respite before he roamed the streets again.

The blood bath had taken place - Blind Mag dead and the little girl fled, Rotti killed bloodily, leaving his two degenerate sons and his addict of a daughter to fight over his empire.

GraveRobber didn't care. A Rotti or an Amber to rule over their world, what did it matter? It would always be the same story, the same bloody plot and the same mighty fine print.

When he wakes up at the crack of sunset to exit his hole in the wall and resume his peddling, he's more than a little surprised to find himself in a rich house. Not questioning it, though, his first instinct is to start looking for valuable items.

Name: GraveRobber
Fandom: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Media: Film
Other relevant info: Warning for language, rudeness, and other inappropriate things. GraveRobber is a thief and an amoral drug dealer, though he will not be interested in peddling zydrate to just about anyone, and will be secretive about it, considering that he is wanted by Geneco. He's neither villain nor hero, but a loose canon, rather.

He's taken from the end of the movie, so interacting with him can be spoilerific, you have been warned. (If you let the typist know not to spoil you in an ooc comment, she will do her best, but it may be difficult.)

The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

zz:(dropped)richard dinardo, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)amber sweet, zz:(dropped)shilo wallace, zz:(dropped)adrian ivashkov, zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, !introduction, zz:(dropped)locke lamora, zz:(dropped)graverobber, caliban leandros, zz:(dropped)curufin

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