[Open] Vanish… is that all you know to do?

Apr 19, 2010 15:47

It's not impossible that Feanor has been more or less conspicuous lately. In fact, after much reflection, he's decided that the only way he could keep himself sane was to set about productive endeavors. To that effect, he effectively hijacked a corner of the library which he found to be rather unused. The walls have gone from cobwebbed to covered in plans - and plans, there are. This corner of the library is not particularly easy to find - his goal is to work undisturbed. But for those who are determined to locate Feanor, or perhaps simply, those who explore the library thoroughly, he can be located. This is the place where he has been all this time, barely pausing to eat or sleep - sometimes simply napping at the table before he resumed more work, nibbling on wafers as he scribbled another urgent idea.

Trenches around the Mansion, various sword, buckler, lance and arrowhead designs, smith tools of various sorts, inscriptions, thoughts, are scattered on the desk where he works feverishly. There is, on the wall, what looks like the Quenya equivalent of a blue-print, with various hypotheses, depending on the terrain. Feanor isn't anywhere close to the building stage yet - but he wants to waste no time, and so has been planning ahead. Soon, soon, he wants to gather his sons to discuss this.

They will not be caught unawares. They will not go down without putting up yet another epic fight.

Even to the outside observer, it's quite obvious that Feanaro Curufinwe Finwion, the contested and controversial High King of the Noldor, is preparing for war once more.

[OOC: I know, I know... but he was being loud, what can I say, and how is a mere mortal to resist Feanaro's orders ? Anyone is welcome to tag him and visit his corner of the library! He'd love to see his wife, sons, and grandson, though. He has yet to see Caranthir, so if anyone is willing to three-way with them both, just let me know. They probably should talk eventually anyway.

Just a note to inform those who don't know him - Feanor is not friendly but not hostile either, but he does have a temper and is prickly. However, he will also welcome offered alliances. Ye hath been warned.]

zz:(dropped)finrod, zz:(dropped)armand st. just (musical), zz:(dropped)maximilien robespierre, zz:(dropped)maglor, parsifal, zz:(dropped)d'eon (and lia) de beaumont, zz:(dropped)kvothe, feanor, galadriel, zz:(dropped)maedhros, !open post, zz:(dropped)nerdanel, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)curufin, saetan sadiablo

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