[introduction] Amber Sweet is addicted to the knife!

Apr 01, 2010 00:08


A shiver goes through the length of her body. 'But I don't want to wake up just yeeet--'. She doesn't like her own whiny voice; perhaps they should have adjusted her vocal cords just a touch differently? Huh. She definitely must talk to her father.

Another shiver, and her head convulses on the rubber pillow. Thud. Wait. That should be a rubber pillow, not---.

"What the heck?"

Amber flutters her long fake eyelashes till the world stops being blurry. What she sees is far from the surgery room she was in the last time she checked: it looks like a... hall. A hall, of all things. Why is she lying on a hall?

"NUUURSE!" she screams wildly, hitting the floor with a clenched fist.

Name: Amber Sweet
Fandom: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Media: Film
Other relevant info: Amber is taken straight from the final scene of Zydrate Anatomy. Previously she met Graverobber and got her precious shot, then she lied on the surgery table and closed her eyes--- only to wake up at the Mansion instead of where she thought she should be. So yes, she is not aware of Blind Mag's destiny or of anything else that happened in the end of the film. Her face also didn't peel off. She'll be wearing her leather corset, net tights, high heels (total dominatrix look), and her hair would be long, dark, straight and with bangs. Just sayin'.

ETA: Amber Sweet has a foul mouth. You have been warned.

zz:(dropped)maglor, zz:(dropped)miles edgeworth, zz:(dropped)richard dinardo, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)felix harrowgate, zz:(dropped)amber sweet, belize, pascal rougon, johnny rockfort, !introduction, asato tsuzuki, zz:(dropped)curufin

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