[open] find it kind of funny, find it kind of sad

Mar 20, 2010 10:42

Fingon's relatively stable life seems to have been suddenly thrown into wild upheaval, and not the kind of upheaval he tends to sort of enjoy - the kind with bravery and heroics and possibly life threatening situations, that is - but rather the kind he just plain doesn't like, with inconvenient uncles attempting to usurp his place (it is his, ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)fingon, !open post, zz:(dropped)maglor, aredhel, caranthir, galadriel

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elven_irs March 20 2010, 20:08:43 UTC
Here's an annoying cousin, then! One who hasn't seen Maitimo yet - but has seen Maglor.

And he'll be observing the sparring with an amused smirk. He always thought there wasn't enough fury in Fingon's style.


valiantfinwe March 22 2010, 15:11:49 UTC
Well, he won't get to observe for long. Fingon stops dead and turns to look at Caranthir, expression unamused again. And half expecting some crude jest, because Caranthir never quite seems able to resist those. "What do you want now?"


elven_irs March 22 2010, 21:01:54 UTC
Caranthir? Still looks amused.

"If you're looking to terrify anyone with that," he informs Fingon cockily. "I'd point out a few flaws in your technique."

He might be inviting a spar, indirectly. Or a fistfight, which ever happens first. :D


valiantfinwe March 23 2010, 00:27:38 UTC
"I'm practicing," irritably, "Not attempting to kill someone." Unlike you, snark snark snark. "I don't feel the need to be excessively earnest in simple routines."


elven_irs March 23 2010, 04:44:55 UTC
"That figures - I was wondering why you looked like you were waving around a flabby trout."

Soooo lightly.


valiantfinwe March 24 2010, 02:18:54 UTC
"--do you deliberately make yourself a nuisance or do you manage it without trying?"


elven_irs March 24 2010, 03:01:44 UTC
"I think I might have a gift for it - but it only manifests itself around people who actually inspire me."

:D :D :D Caranthir? Adores making fun of this one. And it shows.


valiantfinwe March 25 2010, 02:54:47 UTC
"...Do not pick a fight with me, Moryo." Yep, you guessed it. Stiffly.


elven_irs March 25 2010, 04:33:38 UTC
"Who ever said I was trying to do that? But look, your technique is a bit soft. You could use some pointers."

Yes, deliberately being annoying. Don't ask.


valiantfinwe March 26 2010, 03:32:30 UTC
...glowers. "I do rather well without your pointers, thank you."


elven_irs March 26 2010, 16:57:43 UTC
"I'm sure you'd do better with something more pointy, though." Yes, it's pointed. LOLPUN.


valiantfinwe March 27 2010, 03:10:22 UTC
---"What are you trying to do?" Belligerently, yes. "Do you have no purpose in life but to annoy others?"


elven_irs March 27 2010, 15:27:04 UTC
"Apparently," he replies, shrugging. A chuckle, then. "Look, you're batting at the empty air. I think it's funny. Sue me."

This may or may not be an offer to spar.


valiantfinwe March 27 2010, 23:15:09 UTC
"Would you sooner take your chances with me - 'batting at' you?"


elven_irs March 27 2010, 23:22:50 UTC
"Maybe. Might entertain me, at least."


valiantfinwe March 27 2010, 23:25:22 UTC
"And of course I live to entertain you."


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