[Open Post - Titus Groan] Titus Arranging

May 20, 2014 02:09

The recent sudden departures of people for whom he cared has weighed on Titus's mind. These vanishings feel worse than experiencing the death of a loved one: at least when one can stand by the graveside of a loved one laid to rest, one has some sense of closure. But in these cases, one cannot know where this friend or lover has gone, and what took them away.

He knows that others must feel this way, and so, after making some preparations, he has posted a message in the main room.

If you have desired to find a way out of this place, I too am seeking a way.
I am Titus Groan, and if you would care to discuss the matter
You may find me down by the lake.

And so, Titus is gathering a few like minds to join him in his quest for a way out, looking especially for Melou and Fuschia, as well as anyone else with an interest. Of course, they won't succeed, but one can't fault him for trying. Open to anyone who'd care to join him, who might be interested in what's up, or who might have cause for concern about what's up.

melou, !open post, fuchsia groan, billy thunder, maledisant, morgana, titus groan

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