Since Tsuzuki's all worn out from taking extra shifts, we think he should run into the guy who abandoned his position on the watch. Melou's walking past, and he hesitates when he sees Tsuzuki. He's not sure if he should wake the other guy up or just keep walking. It's not like he has anything to say to him. He doesn't even like Tsuzuki. But he can't find the motivation to keep walking, for some reason.
The young-looking man shifts on the blanket, opening his eyes and sitting up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Mmmf," he murmurs, blinking, then looking up at the interloper. "Oh, Melou," he says, a little bit disappointed. "It's been a while since I last saw you."
"Well, I was taking a nap, but I'd been having a flower-viewing picnic before that," he says, stifling a yawn. "Been filling in those shifts that got vacated when folks disappeared suddenly the past few weeks."
"We've got a few people left, but we'd have one more if you kept to your post," he says, and there might be a hint of annoyed disappointment in his tone. "We could really use your help in a time like this."
He's just saying that to be contemptuous, of course. He doesn't actually care.
He isn't busy at all.
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