[Mingler] Where the f*** did that mofo go?

Mar 29, 2014 12:35

So Johnny noticed a couple things, one of them being that Eda had disappeared. Curious, he went on with further investigations, which are leading him to the SA office, but he will, first, pause by the main room and leave an announcement.

Eda, if you're playing hide and seek, it's not funny anymore. Leave me a note here and tell me you're okay, Johnny.

After that, he'll wander up to that cop-place (he's no fan, but) and will ask for info about Eda's whereabouts, but he will return regularly to the common room, to check for a note.

There, he notices a few things - a man with a large nose has left a similar note, looking for his daughter Utena, and he chuckles when he's asked about a teenager with pink hair. Some blond twins join in, asking about the same girl, looking equally worried.

At this point, he frowns, thinking that the Warden has been suspiciously inconspicuous of late... what if he was behind these disappearances? A hot chick notes that her friend, that crazy chick with the crazy hair, is also missing. One medieval queen shows up, asking about "Maiden Yukio," and a panda-eyed jap says something about "the old bat" being missing as well. A black tranny shows up, and says he's lost a model. An Oxford type complains about missing students.

Amidst all this, Johnny wonders where that hot chick, Stocking, went, and finds himself wondering what happened to her, when Jack shows up, asking where his friend Mag is. The hot brunette who mentioned Aramat earlier cuts in, saying she hasn't seen her in ages, and so does Big Nose Freak. Her boyfriend seems to be AWOL too.

And somewhere out there, there's a cute colored girl who says she lost Fruit Loops too.

This is all a bit too overwhelming, really.

So, with all the recent drops, I thought I'd post a mingler for us to handle them. I'll do what I can to tag, but at least, it's there? Feel free to tag in, hop in, ignore mine, handwave an intervention in that conversation, whatever you want. Present in the room, of mine, are: Johnny, Cyrano, Phedre, Guinevere, Jack Benjamin, L and Belize. Others can join if requested. :-)

lukas ford, guinevere, manuel lorimer, will treaty, stacker pentecost, falkor the luckdragon, kazutaka muraki, titus groan, lystra, robb stark, anita blake, shadow, lou mc cloud, neville longbottom, sansa stark, max black, helen curtis (m2), robert frobisher, justin finch-fletchley, stiles, elurìn of doriath, stephanie barnett, melou, pascal rougon, caliban leandros, cyrano de bergerac, toph, lulu garou, galadriel, aredhel, bobby ray, eeyore, elurèd of doriath, jonathan "jack" benjamin, catelyn tully-stark, zhane, agron, gingalain, niko leandros, phèdre nò delaunay, geneviève émery, inès serrano, zillah katz, angélique hubert, l lawliet (riyuzaki), alice munro, belize, gawain, sophie rackham, fang (maximum ride), eames, johnny rockfort, !mingler, asato tsuzuki, helen of troy, duke crocker, caranthir

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