[Scareplot] “Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.” ― Shakespeare

Jan 18, 2014 22:48

It has been too long a time since Morgoth fed upon the fear of the Mansion Dwellers. He feels His power diminishing because of it, or perhaps it is that He needs it to feel alive.

The whys and hows matter not. Instead, he has made good use of the longer nights, calling his Wolves to the fore, demanding their attention, allegiance and beckoning their Hunger once more. The howls come at sun-down - they were heard on occasion, but this time, they are timed and regular, as if to greet the night.

The charms that hold the Dark Lord are not broken, but he manages to make them falter, playing on the magic of the Mansion itself.

As night descends upon the grounds and wolves gather, looking for prey, the house's lights will dim. Shadows play on the walls like mischievous demons, looking for the weak minded and feeble of soul, demanding their due in fear and tears.

Light chases them away, but at dusk they return, ebbing and flowing like the tide, until Morgoth himself is sated, and the full moon ends.

[OOC: So, with modly permission and cooperation, have a crackplot. This will last a couple nights IC-ly. Title is stolen from MacBeth.

Crackplot instructions, please read attentively:
1. Effects of the shadows are only fear - they will not hurt anyone directly, though of course one never knows what can happen when running with scissors, hehehehehehe.

2. Per his typist, the shadows are freaking out Jack Frost, so your puppet may also notice frozen patches of ice scattered across the Mansion. Slippage may ensue.

3. People on the second floor might, per Muraki's reaction to the shadows, might feel short bursts of cool air where they shouldn't feel them (ie. not near a door or a window), or feel the floor might shake slightly (ie. enough to rattle dishes on a table or knick knacks on a shelf, but not enough to knock them down).

4. By Galadriel or Balder/Shadow's interference (or possibly both), there will also be pockets of extreme light, not bright enough to blind, but certainly bright enough to impress. It is the Dark Lord twisting their attempts at fixing the situation. :-D

5. If you want wolves, they will have a subthread for that purpose, right below here. :-)

6. Also note that the residences outside the Mansion, unless they are magic in nature, will not experience the shadow effect, but they will have wolves circling at night.

7. Also, if you play a magic user and you'd like to contribute an effect, I have a post here where it can be brought up! :-)]

guinevere, manuel lorimer, kazutaka muraki, merlin, jack frost, lystra, klingsor, alphonse elric, !crackplot, morgoth, anita blake, shadow, neville longbottom, sansa stark, max black, helen curtis (m2), carol peletier, elurìn of doriath, pandora (rice), draugluin & friends, melou, catherine morland, tristan, cyrano de bergerac, zachry o'bailey's dwellin', billy thunder, lulu garou, aredhel, remy lebeau, elurèd of doriath, jonathan "jack" benjamin, ryuk, zhane, saetan sadiablo, gingalain, eddard stark, scheherazade, erica reyes, phèdre nò delaunay, 11-12 (the prisoner), icarus, robin goodfellow, inès serrano, angélique hubert, gawain, sophie rackham, fang (maximum ride), !mingler, johnny rockfort, asato tsuzuki, helen of troy, caranthir

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