Agron was not a fatalist, nor was he suicidal, but he knew when he followed Crixus to march on Rome that it was almost certain death. Still, he had known little but blood and battle his entire life, and it seemed fitting that he would die on the field of battle.
And though he'd never admit it, he'd purposely left those he loved behind in camp, in the hopes that they would find a life away from Roman tyranny. Agron was no martyr; he was simpy following the only path he knew.
When he was struck down by a sword, he was at peace with the end, but the Romans couldn't even let him die with honor. Instead, curse the gods, he awoke their prisoner.
He could handle their beatings, his eye blackened, his lips bleeding from their fists. As if he would betray the rebels! As if he would betray Spartacus. Never.
He knew Roman cruelty. After all, he'd been taken a slave and sold to the ludus, where he'd met Spartacus and Crixus. Even so, he was appalled when his captors chose to nail him to a cross. He screamed as they nailed spikes through his hands.
He doesn't recall passing out, but at some point, he must. Perhaps it was at the point of death, or perhaps not. He was certain his death was coming in any case.
So when he comes too in a garden, he's stunned. It's winter and dark. He's sitting against a fountain, leaning hard against the surface. He's still injured, still with a black eye and cut lip, still with bruises all over his body and the sword wound across his chest. His palms are bleeding, though the spikes are gone.
He hasn't a clue where he is, but if he's passed on to the next world, he can only pray he will shortly be reunited with his brother. He will try to stand, and search for Duro. And he will hope, with all his heart, to meet not with Nasir here for a very long time.
Name: Agron
Fandom: Spartacus (Starz)
Media: TV series
Typist: Shar
Other relevant info: His speech patterns will be that of the series, so not difficult to understand, but a little different than most. He's also in bad shape physically.
I tried to cut out as many spoilers as possible, but found it really difficult to remove them completely. I'm sorry for that, but he's from really late in the series.
He likes to curse. He probably curses more than any other character on the show and that's saying something.
It's important to note that while the series is a fictionalized account of historical events, and many of the characters are from Roman history, Agron's character is purely fictional.
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.