Well, it happened. And now, there is no sleeping to be had at the treehouse. Of course, for an Elda, sleep is not quite necessary - it is replaced by meditation, eyes open, and rest. Neither of those things are easy to achieve either, though, with a newborn dictating the schedule
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"Something in here smells," she says. "Is it you?"
There's probably not even any unusual smell. Maledisant likes to make things up as a means of insulting random strangers.
"There's nothing wrong with my nose," she says. "Perhaps you should take a bath."
He'll stand (he's quite tall), and will look her over with contempt before he spits on her feet.
"Atan bitch."
He'd forgotten how some of those can be irritating at times.
Then, he turns to go.
She thinks this is hilarious. You've just made her day, Caranthir.
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