Mar 08, 2010 13:51
He's been a recluse, Tristan. He managed to escape the blizzard. He managed to survive, hiding in one of those caves away from the Mansion1. He hunted, he lived alone in the woods for a while, visiting very occasionally the Merlin's hut - mostly to warm himself by the receding flames of the fire2. He's studiously avoided any contact - Tristan feels best away from the crowd.
All the same, he can be found closer to the Mansion - lack of comfort is luring him back towards it. He's currently carrying a pair of snow fowls he caught - a way for him of perhaps apologizing to the friends he's left behind3.
[OOC: So yes. THIS IS A FLEXIBLE TIMELINE POST, because I need to make up for his absence, er >.>. I don't care in what order things happen, unless they're really life-changing for Tristan, in which case whatever that event is will be considered to have happened after everything else.
1 Any cave-dweller Iskierka might find him in a cave if they feel thus inclined.
2 Any of the Merlin's hutmates might find him by the fire.
3 Or, as open post is open, anyone might find Tristan out and walking back towards the Mansion.
And yes, I felt the need to use foot notes. Don't ask. ]
zz:(dropped)sebastian (ephemera duology),
!open post,
zz:(dropped)adrian ivashkov,
asato tsuzuki,