Twilight Sparkle has been lurking in the library these days, much as she's done in her world. This new world raises so many questions in her mind, and she's sure that the library can reveal the answers
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Here's another veteran. Phedre is out taking a walk. She's bundled for the last chills of spring, and is walking around the lake. She's fascinated by the melting ice, which she finds more than magnificent.
She'll marvel at the unicorn... and do her best to answer her questions.
At some point, TwiSpark will head out for some fresh air to clear her wits, a purple scarf wrapped around her neck against the still nippy breeze: the sun is bright and warm on her flanks, but it's still wintry out. She has to remind herself that the Winter Wrap-Up doesn't happen here and the snow and ice melt by themself, when they're ready to.
She's as much intrigued by the ice cracking and creaking, the small floes bobbing about on the surface, but she'll spy the lovely human by the lakeside. "Oh, hello! Are you watching the ice, too?" she asks, friendly.
Blink blink, we’re sure TwiSpark gets that a lot, poor darling. “… so I am,” Phedre replies with some surprise at the critter, though it is rather measured. She’s been there a while, after all.
“I don’t think we’ve met before,” she offers. The surprise is probably visible on her face.
"Iiii hope I didn't scare you," she says, noting that blinking: it causes her some concern, since there seem to be so many people who have that reaction. "We probably haven't met before, but I haven't been here very long and I've been spending a lot of time in the library, trying to figure out how this place works, how people get here and why."
“You do not seem dangerous,” Phedre says gently, “and in fact, I would say you appear friendly, and magic. I am merely surprised because magic is often less corporeal in this place…”
She’ll find a place to sit - maybe a bench - and will offer, “I am Phedre.”
"Oh, I'm studying magic, where I come from," she says, coming to Phedre's side and sitting down on the crunchy grass of last year. "I'm still learning as much as I can here, keeping busy. I'm Twilight Sparkle."
She'll notice that hand and eye it, a bit quizzically, but she's had experience with her mane being fuzzed affectionately (and then there was Pinkie Pie with her tackle-hugs). "Oh, were you going to pet me? Go right ahead, I don't mind," she says.
"I've put some of my magic studies on hold for a bit: mostly I've been trying to figure what this place is and why people end up here. I've heard some theories about why people get here, it's the how that's got my head in a tangle."
Phedre reaches and, speaking of tangle, finds a rare one in TwiSpark's mane, that she sets to work on even as they speak, very gently, careful not to hurt the unicorn.
"Ah, yes, that is an old question," she replies. "Though you must know, there are too many mysteries, here, for us mere mortals to untangle."
"Oh, there's probably a lot of things we can't know: no one can know *everything*, after all, though it took me a while to learn that when I was younger," she says. "But I would like to have some understanding of what's going on here and why people and creatures find their way here?"
And as Phedre's nimble fingers work their magic, she'll sigh, appreciatively. "Oooh, you have a soft touch..."
"Oh, I see," she says, a bit awkward at this blunder. "Magic made flesh? That's incredible... Usually magic *comes* from someone, but I'd never heard of it *being* a someone.
"I guess that would make her a really powerful magical user, but even she had her limits, if she couldn't figure this place out. Is she still here?"
She'll reach up a hoof and, typist willing, gently place it in the human lady's lap. "I'm sorry to hear that: she sounds like she was a good friend to you," she says, compassionately. "I can't take her place, but I could be your friend, if you'd let me?"
She'll marvel at the unicorn... and do her best to answer her questions.
She's as much intrigued by the ice cracking and creaking, the small floes bobbing about on the surface, but she'll spy the lovely human by the lakeside. "Oh, hello! Are you watching the ice, too?" she asks, friendly.
“I don’t think we’ve met before,” she offers. The surprise is probably visible on her face.
She’ll find a place to sit - maybe a bench - and will offer, “I am Phedre.”
"And I am Phedre," she replies, smiling a little. "Have you learned a lot in your time here?"
"I've put some of my magic studies on hold for a bit: mostly I've been trying to figure what this place is and why people end up here. I've heard some theories about why people get here, it's the how that's got my head in a tangle."
"Ah, yes, that is an old question," she replies. "Though you must know, there are too many mysteries, here, for us mere mortals to untangle."
Another chuckle.
"Even for a unicorn and an anguissette."
And as Phedre's nimble fingers work their magic, she'll sigh, appreciatively. "Oooh, you have a soft touch..."
"I fear you may not find your answers," she says cautiously, "for even Witch herself could not tell what was afoot."
There's something sad in her tone - she misses her friend.
"I guess that would make her a really powerful magical user, but even she had her limits, if she couldn't figure this place out. Is she still here?"
Her tone implies that she still misses her friend very, very much.
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