[ intro ] dive into the heart.

Aug 07, 2012 16:43

The very last thing he'd done was close his eyes, to try and get some rest. He'd been sitting on the sands of this new, dark Realm, watching the waves crash against the shore. Everything in this world was of one color, and everything in this world was dimly lit, dimly shaded.

Black sands, black ocean, black sky. This place was nothing like home -- his home, Destiny Island, where he so longed to return to but could not. He was stuck in this realm, a world of only monochrome and darkness. There was not a sliver of light to be seen, not a sliver of light to be found anywhere.

This place wasn't called the Dark Margin for no reason.

However, despite the fact that he wanted to return home, in the long run, Sora wouldn't have wanted things to play out any other way. After all, even though he was stuck here .. his friends were able to return home. Donald, Goofy, the King .. Kairi. They were safe and sound, and the Keyblade Wielder knew he wouldn't have to worry about them there. That was what mattered most; the safety of his friends, knowing that they were home, and that the darkness threatening them was no more.
Besides, he was there with Riku. They would be okay; they had made it through all the twists and turns and troubles in their story, their adventure, and they were okay. So, then, it was only natural to assume that they would find a way even now, in the bleakest of times. After all .. --

‘If the world is made of light and darkness, we’ll be the darkness.’

The brunette’s eyes open, and when he sits up to stretch, he realizes that he is no longer in that world, but rather a new one. This one was not so bleak and monochromatic as the one he’d been in previously - in fact, this one was much more colored, hues of green overtaking the scenery every which way he looked. He appeared to be in the middle of some garden, surrounded by all sorts of different flowers, trees, and plants. It was quiet, and it was all breathtakingly beautiful - but he hadn’t the time to be taking in the sights. “Where .. is this place?”

He’d left the Dark Margin, that much was for certain; here he stood, in spite of the fact that there was no exit. Yet, something felt off .. and it wasn’t due to the obvious change in scenery or circumstance; it was something else. Something was missing.


Blue eyes widen frantically, and Sora scrambles to his feet, turning every which way in hopes that he would sight his friend. Riku had just been beside him moments ago - he couldn’t have fallen asleep that long, could he? No, it had been a only matter of minutes. And now .. now he was gone, simple as that.

But that just couldn’t be.

“Riku! Hey - Riku!” He chooses to move forward once he notices the dusty path beneath his feet, keeping a close eye on his surroundings all the while. Said path takes him straight forward, until he finds himself at the door of an enormous mansion. His eyes travel upwards and he takes a step back, taking the entire thing in; it must have been one of the biggest buildings he’d seen by far. Through few of the windows, he was able to see that the lights were on; whoever owned this place must have been home.

Whoever owned this place may have also seen his friend. Nodding to himself, the brunette heads up the porch steps to the door. He takes the knob of the front door in his hand and pushes the door open slowly. Deciding to enter without knocking probably wasn’t the best idea, but he’d explain his actions later if he angered the owner of the building. Right now, he felt he didn’t have time to be waiting around.

“Hello? Is .. anyone around?”

Name: Sora.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts.
Media: Video Game.
Typist: Inky.
Other relevant info: It should be noted that, prior to landing in Carpe, Sora was trapped in the Realm of Darkness with the notion that he would not be able to leave (that's what's inside of that cut up there). He may seem a bit agitated/worried at first due to the fact that he was there alongside his friend Riku .. but is now without him in Carpe. Not to mention, he's got no idea where his friend went off to or if he's even okay. Suffice it to say he might be just a smidgeon less chipper than he usually is until he's had a minute to calm down.
All interactions following the first interaction will probably take place while Sora is exploring the area/mansion -- he's hardly the type to just stand around and do nothing in situations like this, anyway.
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

lystra, lou mc cloud, zz:(dropped)sora, !introduction, jack harkness, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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