
Mar 13, 2012 13:42

Denzel was staring outside the kitchen window, sipping his coffee. Noticing the change in weather he thought maybe he should go and visit Temeraire. It's been awhile since he's seen his friend and Crocker and the cold didn't mix well, he had been sniffling for quite a bit after the snowball fight. Crocker's eyes fall upon the table, that was empty before but now had a birthday ~magically~ onto of it. Crocker spit takes as he looks around, no one else was in the room, he rushes over to the cake leans on the table over the cake and then looks below the table. "FAIRIES! I mean - MAGIC!"
Spazzing himself to the floor, "But wait why a birthday? -" Spotting the calendar, March 13th,
"Oh, right. Well, no sense in this going to waste."
If anyone else in the mansion so happens to come in, there's probably more then enough cake to share.

(It's his birthday :3)

!open post, zz:(dropped)gellert grindelwald, denzel crocker, catherine morland, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, temeraire

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