Apr 23, 2007 09:30
I couldn't think of a title for this entry...so I just left it blank.
Let's see...in the past month and 1/2 what's been going on in my life.
Lets finish out March first.
SUB was way fun. Saw Mandy and met Josh. The next day we went down to Hugh's house and hungout with the family.
The next week just flew by.
Then I went to Flordia with my family. It was way fun. That week went by really quickly too.
The next weekend was Easter. So Pat and I went down to Ocqueoc and hungout with Tom and Jess and then spent some time at his dad's for Easter. I felt super bad though because we had to leave earlier then Pat wanted to b/c I had to work...but at least he brought me down there to see the family.
Then the weeks just kinda went by...nothing too exciting has happened between Easter and now.
Oh wait...something did. I got accepted into the Nursing program at LSSU...aweseome. I'm very excited about that. I start classes this summer.
This past weekend I went camping with Pat and a few of our friends. It was so much fun. I love the outdoors so much and being out there just calms me down so much. It's so wonderful...
And today it's raining and I'm supposed to walk to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner...I might hold off a while and see how it goes. Blah...I dont' hate the rain...I love the sound of it and the smell it leaves behind...but I hate it when I have something to do and no way to do it unless I walk and there's too much rain to just walk...oh well.
Time to do laundry now.
Have a great day ya'll.
P.S. I love you