Sep 17, 2008 20:12
I've been writing a bit lately, nothing worth reading of course, but I really only do it when I'm emotionally distraught...
I would say a train wreck would adequately describe it. I miss feeling close to people. The people I am close to are not close enough in distance. I need some sister time maybe.
I don't know, maybe it's just been one of those days (ok so week would be more accurate), but emotional distraughtness is for sure something that I am suffering from.
Not sure how many people know that I don't eat when I'm stressed or emotionally shutting down, but it's hard to concentrate on things as trivial as eating when I'm trying to sort my mind out...
Sorting my mind out is absolutely impossible to do when my roommate has absolutely no respect what so ever for my personal space, wet towel on computer is not something I understand, or her wet towel on my books, that is just not even cool! She definetely doesn't help with anything, seeing as how her sleeping habits are whack! (This girl sleeps five hours in the middle of the day and wonders why she can't sleep at night.) It drives me nuts!
It makes me wonder what happened to common curtesy? Did it just die out in the 90's kids? I mean honestly, did that much change in three years that parents thought they didn't need to teach their kids these things? Like they were just going to wake up and get it one day?
On a happy note, I got fish, and they are amazing! I love each and every one of them. I think pip squeek is the cutest, he's so tiny!
Hmm, well I know that this has no substance to it at all but I think it helped a bit.
common curtesy