Jan 18, 2006 01:03
so basically got drunk five nights this weekend
did two keg stands
had my fake taken away
(whatever because kearns just made a new one)
played a lot of beer pong
made delicious mixed drinks with my booze
it was a pretty damn good weekend
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last night i got pretty damn drunk and did not throw up
while drunk, i called kirk and apologized for new year's
i have a shit-load of alcohol in my room
i have a fake id
kearns' birthday is friday, so it's going to be a marathon of bars and drinking
i swear, that was the worst night of drinking for me ever.
there will most likely be some pre-game and post-game drinking. then tomorrow, after a swim meet, we have bubbly, where we double-fist champagne bottles and get really trashed.
kearns and i against kicked ass at beer pong. we did not lose the entire night. we played until there was no more beer. i think we passed out on a couch in the beer room
i only had 1 shot and 4 games of beer pong (which was somehwere around 4 or 5 beers since we were kicking ass) and i threw up a shit-load.
thurday night, i got trashed playing beer pong. we kicked some ass.
friday night, i got trashed during happy hour. just drinking and socializing with the house.
i played so much beer pong, that i actually threw up from how much i had to drink. yeah, but that meant i had to stay up in order to not throw up in my sleep or get a hangover
tomorrow night, i'm going to my house's halloween party and going to get trashed.
oh man, last night was amazing. i was perfectly drunk.
i was done with all my work--i was just talking, playing pool, drinking
so yeah, there's probably going to be a huge party tomorrow night and i'm going to get pleasantly wasted without any bad feelings in the morning.
yesterday, i woke up, went to 7 am swim practice, came back and did some of my physics hw, went to class, worked out, worked on ec for a couple of hours, finished up my physics lab, read up on the physics, started studying for chem/doing the chem homework, started a humanities essay, started the reading for humanities, looked over the math lectures, helped out some friends with the ec hw, and then finally went to sleep at about 2 or 3, when i started hw at about 3:30...wow exciting post
i realize i talk about drinking a lot, but there's really not much else that goes on here in the form of fun and entertainment. as nerdy as it sounds, we hang out with each other during the week while doing a problem sets. so it's really nice on the weekends to be able to spend time with people without having to talk about the electric fields through a conductor or the method of gaussian elimination.
well we didn't get around to making the hologram, but we still wanted to go out for his birthday, so we went to a pub/cafe and the bouncer was like these are fakes and you know it, so he took them away...it was really stupid of us to go to a place with a bouncer, in a group with 3 fakes and only 1 real id. but at least it motivated us to make even better fakes.
unfortunate about the ids. mayhaps for the best? don't want old men feelin' you up in a dark and seedy club.
and we're totally making better ids. we are going to get the hologram and uv to work, and then it pretty much can't be denied anywhere. i can already buy booze at the grocery store. and plus, i go to caltech, so pretty much no matter where i go i'll always be with a big group of guys. so don't worry old men feelin' me up.
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