The Launch of
Sputnik-1 (or, to be more correct, Спутник) occured on October 4, 1957.
NPR started talking about the "
shock of the century" yesterday and I got thinking about the history of space exploration. And, to accompany me I've asked
Tom Smith to join us. Tom? Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
Nothing worth doing that I haven't tried.
There ain't no living on planet-side,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
How many cities crumble into dust
At the first atomic attack?
How many self-aware, wise, and just
Computers will we have to hack?
How many supercars will turn to rust
'Cause we don't have a spare or a jack?
Give me technology we can trust,
And give it fins like a Cadillac.
I want a shining tower of glass and steel,
A rubber jumpsuit and a freeze-dried meal,
The will to survive, the need to explore,
The love of adventure, who could ask for more?
I want you, baby, right by my side,
Help me get out before my brain is fried.
The stars are waiting, so big and wide,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
How many demons out in cyberspace
Will possess every hacker's will?
How many members of a master race
Will come closing in for the kill?
Ah, Space. I've written about it before, from
reviews of SciFi to
emails from
Arthur C. Clarke to support
Seti@home. We've come a long way since 1957, from
orbiting the earth to
a project which has so far exceeded it's intended lifespan that scientests wish more projects were like it. But I'm still waiting for a proper rocket. You know the kind, something like this (though I wouldn't mind that car either):
Tom?How many xenomorphs will change their face,
And then hunt us down for a thrill?
Give me a villain with style and grace,
And a little bit of fencing skill.
They used to be angular, sneering and bald,
If someone got killed even they were appalled,
They tried to marry the heroine, no thought of rape,
And they sure as hell knew how to wear a cape.
They never tortured, they never lied,
They'd honor a promise if it meant they died.
Let's find a villain with professional pride,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
It's not true that all of this died out once
we landed on the moon but that last section could be describing a
well-known villian of the late 70s. Sputnik. It helped bring about the realization of generations of folks who grew up on
stories from a great man and the inspired writings of those men gathered by a
true visionary to shape the world of tomorrow as our dreams today. He must be turning over in his grave at the state of affairs today, I mean... well, Tom does a good job explaining it. Terminators, Life Force, Robot Jox, Predators,
Lots of things that know how to flense,
Defenestrate 'em out the doors, gimme gimme Star Wars,
Bring back the Children of the Lens.
Puppet Master, Child's Play, Fright Night, Judgment Day,
Jason, Freddy, Michael, and Stripe,
Let Frankenstein, Ardeth Bey, and Kong chase them all away,
The Movie Snatchers' pods are overripe.
I want more than action and special effects,
To think about what might happen next,
A hero, not a weapons shop with pecs,
A heroine, not an excuse for sex.
I want a bubble helmet matting down my hair,
The ground giving way to the open air,
The joy and wonder as I head out there,
And I know I can have it, if I only dare.
How many bodybuilding macho jerks
Will blow everything full of holes?
How many imitation Captain Kirks
Will spill beer on the ship's controls?
How many stupid personality quirks
Will we see instead of souls?
Give me my baby and a ship that works,
And give us the starring roles.
In short, 50 years ago, the world changed. And, we changed with it. And we wanted.... a lot. And those early movies and books were truly inspiring. But, as Tom so nicely points out, we've let our dreams lapse. We have sunk from the dreams that it may be possible to overcome our most base instincts to the nightmare that is most of what passes for Science Fiction today. But we don't have to accept it. While we may not have
these yet, we can still dream of it. We're human. We want more. And we can reach and achieve those dreams.
Me? Well, I really do want to cruise the galaxy at
FTL and, as long time readers of my blog know, I already persue heaven and defy hell on a regular basis. Tom?
I want to cruise the galaxy at FTL,
Pursuing Heaven and defying Hell,
I want to do everything that a man can do,
And I want to do it all out there with you.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
Nothing worth doing that I haven't tried.
There ain't no living on planet-side,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
Nothing worth doing that I haven't tried.
There ain't no living on planet-side,
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
Come on with me, baby, on a rocket ride.
I'm way past
wanting my flying car. How about you?