A relaxing Labor Day Weekend

Sep 03, 2007 09:49

We went to visit R's family this weekend. I spent Saturday evening watching the stars come out. That is one of the things I love about where R's daughter lives, it's far enough out in the country where the stars are beautifully visible, even hints of the Milky Way.

So, I went out and lay down on the hill leading up to the barn, facing west and watched. The sun had just set a few minutes earlier and it was still nautical twilight. The sun, while over the horizon, was still slowly drawing her cloak of light slowly away and I looked back over the barn to where the first star had poked through the fringes of Sunset's cloak. I decided to count stars while I was able and that was one. As the twilight darkened into dusk another two stars suddenly appeared to the northwest and I was at three. As the sun drew it's cloak further away and the sky darkened, I kept counting until I got to about 40 stars. Then, without warning, the heavens seemed to open and there were too many stars to count.

And so I just let my eyes watch the stars. I had told myself I would stay out until I saw two things: a meteorite and a satellite. It took about another 30 minutes before a meteorite streaked across my vision and it wasn't much later that I saw the telltale movement of a satellite crossing north to south. I probably should have waited another 90 minutes to make sure it was but I was getting stiff so I headed in.

And, what holiday would be complete without pictures?

R loves her grandkids. And she spent some time Saturday working on her granddaughter's hair:

R's other daughter came over, but wasn't feeling well so spent most of her time on the couch:

We spent some time on the wide front porch, where I captured one of the best pictures of R with her youngest grandchild:

Though she prefers these:

Her Granddaughter, drawing the sunset:

R's oldest daughter, whose house we were staying at, with a very large kitty:

And there was a truly contumacious kitten who was built for LOL Cat pictures... add your own phrases:

Sunday we went to a dirt bike championship because one of her grandkids is into that. So I got some action shots:

This little girl was kicking the boys all over the track

Finally, pictures of her grandson riding:


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