Jan 31, 2005 10:40
Sometimes a good stretch is all you need. I could read news all day if I really wanted to. Billions of dollars go missing. A billion people live in poverty. So life isn't that bad for me. In comparison, I am on top of the world. I smile. I eat. I have a bed that sometimes beckons me to sleep. I have ears that listen to the constant beating of the world's heart. I can see the raindrops forming in the heights of a crumbling atmosphere. I am alive and happy. Yep, can't beat that. I think that irony loves to taunt me. Knowing that I recognize it a day too late. Laughing because I saw it coming all along. I am craving written words. I ingest them, process them, and never let them go. Written words take a bit more effort. So, in that very fact, I appreciate them a little more. I like music in the background. It drowns out the mindless conversations already staking their claim in my brain. Sometimes music just can't be loud enough. Sometimes the yelling pushes everything to the side and out the ears. I shudder. Shivering is good, shuddering is bad.