what am i thinking?
i always seem to get these thoughts and feelings that i'm going to die in a car! A horrific car accident that will end up on the news, reporting (in complete disgust) a stupid young driver who had lost control of their car and killed all his/her friends.
An accident which causes people to tense up and want to cry instantly after hearing about it and/or viewing the remains of what had been a car! The remains of what had been a person. me. dead. slaughtered. decapitated. impaled... etc etc.
i don't know how i feel about this.
if it comes true...write on my grave "i told you so" please! that would be nice.
do you think you know how you're going to die? or know anyone who knew and had it come true? (besides suicide because that's just bloody obvious!)
a percpetion was presented to me recently which stated that in this world our thoughts seem to be 'predictions' because we put our thoughts 'out there' and perhaps on a higher level this becomes reality, we make it so. you know, kind of like you say 'no, i can't do that' (what ever the task it may be) and because you think you can't you can't! limiting yourself due to your thoughts - maybe that was a bad example but do you know what i mean?? i think this is a brilliant and possibly true idea behind it all... what do you think?
roses are pretty.
i have a sore throat.
these last two sentences are irrelevant.
well now four sentences...
or maybe all of this is...?!