what if, obliviate.

Dec 05, 2010 17:55

(sorry for the huge ass picture)

Dear Wendell and Monica Wilkins,

Hi, I’m Hermione Jean Granger, and today is my wedding day. I’m getting married to my friend, Ronald Weasley. I told you about him before, but of course, you won’t remember….

Hi, mum and dad. How’s Australia? I hope you like it there…

I went to the Forest of Dean the other day. It is exactly as I remember it when we all went when I was little.   But of course, you wouldn’t recognize even one thing from there.

I miss you both so much. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know how else to protect you guys.

There’s no known cure to bring the memories back.

I miss you both horribly. I wish you were here to see the life that I am about to start.

You both were fantastic parents and I’m so sorry that I haven’t told you that enough. I’m getting married in a couple minutes. I promised myself that I would let you guys go and make this easier for me, but it’s been so hard. I had to let you know and somewhat be a part of today.

There’s no day that goes by where I don’t think about you guys.

You’ll both be a part of my life even though I’m no longer a part of yours.

Thank you for everything, I love you both.

Forever your daughter,

Hermione Jean Granger.

THIS JUST MADE ME BAWL AND SOB AND HEART-CLENCH WRENCH SOBZZZZ. I never thought, what if Hermoine never got back her parents? ): such a brave and strong and smart girl (:

sobzzzz, hp, hermoine

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