So, I've been keeping busy, which is why I've mostly only been lurking and commenting lately.
Looking for a new apartment, then packing, moving, and unpacking ate up most of our summer. But it was well worth it. I love our place and Astoria. Our block is very quiet and residential, but two blocks away is a big shopping street. There are great restaurants, specialty food shops like Joe's Pork Shop, who makes Italian sausages from his Grandpa's recipe. Plus, we have no problem parking.
Work is going well. I'm still learning my role, but I like it, they seem to like me. Things are good on that front.
I guess the biggest news is that I started my MS in Nonprofit Management this semester. I'm taking two courses, one on Management and Organizational Behavior and one on Economics. Much to my surprise, I love them both. The econ course is very policy/theory driven, rather than math based, which is both more interesting and easier for me, since I haven't taken a math class in 11 years. PS--How scary is it to realize that you were started college a over 12 years ago? I actually have a take-home final for econ I should be working on, thus the sudden urge to update.
We went to Philly the weekend that my sister had the baby. He looks exactly like by brother Christy did as a newborn. A-dorable.
Last weekend, we took a four-day trip to Austin to see Maureen, Hermes and their two amazing kids on their ranch. It was a bit hot for me, but we had a lot of fun.
Mike is doing great, though I fear he may be overextending himself. He made Law Review, so he's got that plus a full course load, an internship, he's co-writing an article for next year's Law Review, and doing other stuff that I'm surely forgetting. He's been totally awesome about helping with housework lately, and does almost all of the cooking. It's awesome, because he's an amazing cook. He's really into Spanish/tapas right now. It's pretty amazing to come home to a restaurant quality meal every night. Kind of spoils going out to dinner, since he sets the bar so high.
In other news, Mike adopted a kitten as an early b'day gift. We named him Oisin (oh-SHEEN) after a hero of Celtic mythology. He's the dude that went to Tir na nOg, the land of eternal youth...I'm hoping he lives up to the name and stays kittenish forever. He weighs less than a pound and he's quite a snuggler. We're very happy.