Enzensberger (whose name I hate spelling out, so for the rest of this entire will be referred to as Mr. E) focused less on the technological aspects of media (it's power in terms of breaking down walls that contained older media) and how it was forming because of inadequacies in the older forms, and more on its social aspects and emergence due to
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I agree that media takes on an evolution of its own, but that at times, we cause this evolutionary change. Our economic demands and competitive nature with the other countries who dare occupy our world (coughs up sarcasm) forces technological change for economic survival. Electronics are hot in the market, providing jobs and a sense of stability. The evolution of electronics does not necessarily kill the weakest initially, the poor VCR repairman for instance, but in the long run, the fittest (Blue-Ray Discs!) survive. Blue-ray and HD DVD discs even come from the same evolutionary branch, yet, another medium, the PS3, creates a parasitic or symbiotic relationship with the Blue-ray, ensuring its survival over the HD DVD.
-Liz Lipke
PS- Burnout on the PS3 is very addicting, another factor adding into the medium's technological survival.
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