My Saturday

Oct 09, 2005 12:21

The following events occurred on Oct 8th, 2005:

1.Got up to wish Kristel a Happy B-Day! Of course she didn't pick up her phone (it was pretty early though) so i left a message!


2. Went to the Mall to go and pick up Kristel's fabulous B-day present!LOL I still have to give it to her. it's so good i might just wanna keep it for myself......

2."Went to the mall to pick up MY fabulous present! LOL

3. WEnt to U of M again because i needed books since the U of W is making me return all of mine because (says the following in whining voice...) SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS THEM!!! So if i didn't go to U of M i would be left with practically nothing for my paper.

4. At the U of M i discovered that one of the libraries i needed to go to was closed! Or so i thought!! Apparently there is another entrance, but of course, being the huge mother University that it is, i didn't know this, so i left thinking that it was closed only to find out when i got home and searched on the net that it was open!

WHY THE HELL DON'T THEY HAVE SIGNS THERE!? WHY DON'T THEY HAVE SIGNS DIRECTING YOU TO ALL THESE DIFFERENT BUILDINGS AND SIGNS TELLING YOU WHICH IS THE MAIN ENTRANCE OR EVEN FREAKIN "PLEASE USE OTHER DOOR" SIGNS!!!???? Seriously, there are no signs telling you which way to go for anything in that retarded place. You NEED a map. They should just automatically give everyone a map before they enter the university grounds!!! So, now i don't have all the books i need and will probably have to make yet ANOTHER trip there!! GRRR!!!! (shakes fist at that wretched institution)

5.Came home to do homework before the planned going out with Kristel for her B-day only to discover that she was feeling pretty crappy and that we probably wouldn't be doing anything! :(

6. Assuming that we weren't going to do anything since Kristel hadn't called back, i went to Steph's to meet her friends Seth and Richard. Pretty cool guys.

7. Get phone call from Laura at 20 to 11 saying that Kristel and her were on their way to the bar. Way to call me back Kristel! (shakes fist) You were supposed to tell me before hand if you wanted to go or not! So, we obviously weren't ready to go out and Monica, thinking that we no longer were doing anything, hadn't talked to her dad about staying out that late. Needless to say, with the plans falling through we all went home.

8. Went to sleep and dreamed about eating turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! Mmmmmmm turkey turkey....gobble, gobble!
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