Holic and Falcon's Egg

Apr 17, 2006 01:56

Another update. :)

I just watched episode 2 of xxxHOLiC's anime. Hmmm... it is "okay"-- I still think perhaps better than the Tsubasa anime but it has a lot of flaws. First, the animation could be a lot better as the characters don't look quite as "pretty" as they should in many instances. Watanuki generally looks fine though...

The lankiness doesn't bother me as that is the art style of the manga, but the continuity of proportions bothers me if they change with every scene <-- that's just sloppy animation.

The anime seems to be mixing around the mini-stories that make up the early parts of the manga. (Actually, mini-stories make up a lot of the manga as a whole, but there is a broader sense of purpose later on.)

The second episode contains the events surrounding the Lying Girl- (chapters 2-3 of the manga) otherwise known as the one about the pinky finger that makes all readers go "HUH!?"

Yuko asks, "What does your little finger do?" (And since the pinky is somewhat physically insignificant, what do you suppose the pinky philosophically represents?)

A lot of xxxHOLiC's tales are like this-- meaning is generally something you must construct around the vague clues Yuko gives. ^^;

I was shocked to see that the 3rd episode seems to be about something that doesn't even happen until volume three of the manga! That's skipping a lot of stories (two of favorites are the ones about Internet addiction and the day trip to see the fortune teller who uses the 'Saban sand plate').


Read through Falcon's Egg by Luli Gray tonight. Hmm, it is okay- it is hard to explain because it is like a realistic novel with an odd bit of fantasy thrown in. It is quite short but a bit too abrupt to really fit well as either realistic or fantasy fiction. Not enough explainations are given and some of the story isn't as fleshed out as it really needs to be for the reader to connect to the characters. Still, I think the New York City/multicultural setting would appeal to some children- especially those who like the idea that anyone can stumble across something magic.
In my mind, the least entertaining book I've read for the project so far. In fact, it kind of reminds me of the late, late Paul Zindel stuff if it were written for children and had a magical creature involved. -_-; (Meaning, the reader thinks, "Is this entertaining or kind of depressing? I can't tell.")

books, xxxholic

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