"Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete."

Jul 20, 2008 22:33

So, because something in a recent episode of Doctor Who went better than I thought it would, I decided to go back and watch some of season 1. It's not that I dislike Ten. In fact, as of this season, I do like him. But Nine is still better. I watched Rose, The Unqiet Dead, The Empty Child, and the Doctor Dances, and they were so good. I'd forgotten just how good. Nine and Rose had such great chemistry, and Rose was good back then. I hated how she became with Ten. But the stories, the dialogue, the character interaction, it was all so good (I've used that word 3 times in this paragraph, but I'm too tired to be more articulate. Sorry).

One thing that really struck me was how much I preferred Nine and Jack's interaction to Ten and Jack's interaction. The snarky comments - like the entire sonic conversation in The Doctor Dances - were just great. In fact, that whole episode was full of great snarky comments. I had a hard time choosing a title for this entry; I also considered, "Don't drop the banana," "bananas are good," most of the sonic conversation, and the entire dancing conversation. Great episode. I'd forgotten just how much I loved it.

Christopher Eccleston did the enthusiasm so well. Tennant's is more like a hyperactive child, though he has improved.

So, upshot is, Ten is good, but Nine is better. And I'm barely spoiled for the 2 part season finale (what spoilers I have seen have not made me happy), so it is possible Ten might go down in the rankings. I was impressed with how well Rose's return went in Turn Left (an excellent episode), but considering how bad she became in season 2, I am concerned. We shall see.

doctor who

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