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I've been meaning to write something on this subject for a long time and since I'm doing this Donna appreciation week and I've been getting such a wonderful feedback, it's a great occasion to finally make this happen.
Warning: mistakes. English is not my first language, so I believe there might be lots of them.
Warning 2: in some places
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I gotta say, TenToo/Donna as a romantic pairing squicks me out. The whole thing about him being part human is that he has her DNA. They're like ... practically brother and sister. That ship is basically incest, and I just can't go there. As BFFs? If they'd been able to hang around each other, sure!!
As far as TenToo goes though, I don't have a problem at all shipping him with Rose, because he's just a new regeneration of the Doctor (albeit with some human DNA thanks to Donna). Just like it's heavily implied that Ten kept Nine's feelings about Rose, and Moffat has come right out and said re. Eleven via Twitter that "he's the same man, always" in his feelings re Rose, I don't see how TenToo would be any different. He's just a new regeneration - and canonically, the Doctor's love for people doesn't change based on a pesky thing like that.
I know there's the DNA part and I'm always saying a big NO to incest, but I don't really take it that way. Maybe because it's stricly biological (and by that I mean with no family-like feelings) or because that whole meta crisis is such a twisted thing I can't really takie it seriously. Maybe it is this one time when I'm making a deviation from a rule, I don't really know, it's just that in my head this pairing makes a perfect sense, it doesn't neccessarily need to do that outside it ;)
Now, when it comes to TenII/Rose, well. Maybe it's once again only something I made up in my head, but I just didn't see that he felt ar could feel the same way Ten did about Rose. Maybe because I don't treat him like a next regenerated Doctor, given the fact that he's only half-Doctor (if I'm correct, it's not even official if he's a regenerated Doctor or just a clone). If there are differences in his acting, because he was born out of blood and war, then why couldn't there be more things that are different?
Also, I have my own problem with regenerating Doctors and while I see a brilliant continuity between Nine and Ten, I just see none between Ten and Eleven (but that is just my own problem with 11 that is way too big for a discussion on a completely different subject ;).
ANYWAY I understand your point of view absolutely. I just have this thing that I take everything based on my own feelings and what I see, which is why I so often don't agree with what's presented in canon. Nevertheless, THANK YOU for your comment and a contribution to this discussion!
He's actually never been referred to as a "clone" by the powers that be over at the BBC - Moffat made a joke about it once at ComicCon 2008, but if you watch the video, he was just clearly saying that to troll Julie Gardner, who had just made some extremely TenToo/Rose shippy comments about them being in love and dating in Pete's World XD Davies, Tennant and Gardner referred to TenToo as a different version of "the Doctor", and Tennant even made a comment in the Journey's End commentary that technically TenToo might even be considered to be the Eleventh Doctor.
I just see none between Ten and Eleven (but that is just my own problem with 11 that is way too big for a discussion on a completely different subject ;).
Haha - say no more, I gotcha XD
I just have this thing that I take everything based on my own feelings and what I see, which is why I so often don't agree with what's presented in canon.
Yeah, this is a ymmv thing. I figure - we wouldn't even be having this conversation if it weren't for Davies, since literally everything we are discussing came from his head. So I defer to his opinions - if he says TenToo is happy in Pete's World with Rose, then I figure, he created these people out of thin air, he knows them better than any of us - so he's the one who should know! XD
Haha - say no more, I gotcha XD
Oh, finally someone, who understands!
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