Gwen Cooper fav Miracle Day moments

Sep 14, 2011 16:39

Part of womenlovefest (day 4).

Because we are right after the Miracle Day, I'm presenting my top 5 Gwen moments in season 4.

(Number 1 is really my number 1, the rest is just in no particular order.)

1. The plane trip. (4x02)
I mean, come on. COME ON. This should be like a must-see video for all the people that hate Gwen, because I really can't see how ANYONE could not appreciate her after seeing that. Gwen doing a proper headdesk. Gwen ripping off the bloody floor of the plane. Gwen doing an antidote from the wires and a necklace and whatever else she can find on board. GWEN KICKING ASS OF THE BLOODY CIA AGENT.

gif by saniday

2. Gwen Cooper's family life. (4x01)
Can we have a whole season built around Gwen's and Rhys's and Anwen's home life, pretty please? Because I don't think that in the whole Universe exists a cooler family.
And Anwen gets +9999999 points for being bright and shiny when Gwen is shooting through the window. This girl might be even more awesome when she grows up than Gwen is now.

3. Blowing up the camp. (4x06)
I don't really think this needs any explanation.

gif by notashamedtosigh

4. Gwen and heels. (4x04)

Whoever wears heels to work is heroic. Why do women put up with these things?

I ask myself the very same question.

5. Gwen and the pan. (4x09)
Because Gwen Cooper doesn't even need a gun to be a bamf.

gif from nerdly

Caps as always fom Medusa Cascade, edited by me.

women love fest, picspam, gwen cooper, torchwood, picspam: torchwood, gwen cooper the bamf

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