O sea ....... en serio??????? no deberiamos haber dejado que la Sinde viajase al extranjero, que la mujer ha ido dando ideas, muy triste
Y como he repetido unas chorricientas veces esta semana ...... intentar parar la globalización en internet es como intentar frenar un tsunami con un azulejo.
Asi que, queridisimos directivos multimillonarios de las productoras, televisiones, etc: EN LUGAR DE INTENTAR FRENAR EL PROGRESO Y LA GLOBALIZACIÓN QUE TANTOS BENEFICIOS y yates y mansiones y colegios privados y rayas de coca y putas y otros entretenimientos varios OS HAN PROPORCIONADO ...... POR QUÉ LECHES NO OS "ADAPTAIS" A ELLA COMO TODO BICHO VIVIENTE? que el pobre Darwin no explico la evolución de las especies para nada majetes, o es que ese dia no fuisteis al cole? PORQUE VIENE A NO SER LO MISMO "GANAR MENOS PASTA" QUE "PERDER PASTA", O ES QUE NECESITAIS UN CAPITULO DE BARRIO SESAMO EXPLICANDO SEMEJANTE OBVIEDAD?????
Ala, ahi os dejo el mensaje original:
Originally posted by
cantarina1 at
postOriginally posted by
electricdruid at
The fiasco continues ACTA in a Nutshell -
What is ACTA? ACTA is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. A new intellectual property enforcement treaty being negotiated by the United States, the European Community, Switzerland, and Japan, with Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Canada recently announcing that they will join in as well.
Why should you care about ACTA? Initial reports indicate that the treaty will have a very broad scope and will involve new tools targeting “Internet distribution and information technology.”
What is the goal of ACTA? Reportedly the goal is to create new legal standards of intellectual property enforcement, as well as increased international cooperation, an example of which would be an increase in information sharing between signatory countries’ law enforcement agencies.
Essential ACTA Resources -
- Read more about ACTA here: ACTA Fact Sheet
- Read the authentic version of the ACTA text as of 15 April 2011, as finalized by participating countries here: ACTA Finalized Text
- Follow the history of the treaty’s formation here: ACTA history
- Read letters from U.S. Senator Ron Wyden wherein he challenges the constitutionality of ACTA: Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Read the Administration’s Response to Wyden’s First Letter here: Response
- Watch a short informative video on ACTA: ACTA Video
- Watch a lulzy video on ACTA: Lulzy Video
Say NO to ACTA. It is essential to spread awareness and get the word out on ACTA.
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