So I've got two games that need people badly. Neither of them have started yet, but they need an okay player base to get on their feet, since it's no fun trying to start up plots with no players. Both of them are Harry Potter, first-war era games, and when they get people and get going, I'm sure they'll turn into something awesome.
War One: This is a pretty straight-up first-war game which is basically just sticking all the characters in 1980 and letting the players take it from there, whether they want to follow the canon storyline or not. There are a few aspects that deviate from canon, mainly a few of the
pre-made roles, but they're not too insane and lend the game some structure. The mod is the lovely
starbolts who is a very good writer and an awesome person all-round. Current roles needed are: The Marauders excluding Remus, Lily, Order members, Death Eaters, Ministry people, neutrals, or anyone you can think of really. Notable: Dumbledore and Voldemort are available for play.
Nocturne: This is an AU, and the basic concept is that the whole war got started several years earlier than it did in canon, the Order lost and the Death Eaters took over the Ministry, then lost it and started terrorizing everyone. In 1973 a new group lead by Grindelwald called The League joined the fray, basically rounding up all the half-bloods and purebloods who didn't like Voldemort but weren't fond of the Order and slowly but surely taking over the government. The game takes place in 1981, when everything is FUBAR. It's a fun chance to chuck your muse into a world drastically different from canon and see how they react, and how their lives would have changed. The game is run by the lovely Sydney, who some of you might know since she played Annaliese DeBura in If We Lost and For the Greater Good. She's a very good writer with some really awesome ideas. Current roles needed are: The Marauders excluding Remus, Order members, Death Eaters, Ministry people, members of The League, neutrals, or anyone you can think of really.
Please check these games out, they are in desperate need of love. Tell your friends.
So that happened. Also, I'm in Portland! I'm hanging out with my brother and his fiancée, who are getting married in about a week. There are lots of hipsters here, and lots of homeless people. I've seen two different people who looked strikingly like Kate Winslet's character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was their hairstyle (bright pink and in bun pigtails). I went to a sushi roundabout for the first time, and I think we should have a lot of them in Boston. This one was pretty cheap, too, and very good. Last night, I saw a documentary on host boys and the women who buy them, and learned a lot about the cycle of human misery. I'm also not sure how a human being that small and skinny can drink five bottles of champaign in that short an amount of time.
Today I helped people make beer which was actually quite good even though it wasn't finished, went to Goodwill and almost bought a rice-cooker until I realized I'd have to either check it or carry it on the plane with me. I don't think I could deal with sitting with a rice-cooker on my lap for five hours. I also saw the ugliest couch known to man, which my brother almost bought but ended up settling on the second-ugliest couch known to man.
It's been fun! How have you been, Internet?