So, how about that Inception? Before I saw it, I was told by some people that it was the BEST THING EVAR and by others that it was kind of shit. It was neither of those. It was a good, solid action movie with lovely effects and good acting.
Frankly, though, I liked it better when it was called Paprika. I'm just terribly biased. No matter how good the story and acting were, Inception wasn't going to have a giant doll destroying Tokyo and it wasn't going to have a soundtrack by Susumu Hirasawa.
My biggest beef with the film was that it had a tendency to have the characters explain plot points over and over again. I mean, the concept itself wasn't that complex and the plot was easy enough to follow along with, even if the visuals got a bit surreal at times. They also used that 'you don't use all of your brain' thing that really, really bugs me.
And at some points I wanted to yell "GET IT OVER WITH" at the screen, but that was more due to the tension, which is a positive thing.
Aside from this, the film was good. I liked that it didn't really have an unrelated romantic subplot, which was my biggest problem with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
I will say that I was at times blinded by the pretty, whether it came in the form of Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy (oh, the squee I had), or the visual effects. While we're on the subject of Marion and Cillian, they both had a tendency to steal whatever scene they were in. I actually ended up liking Fischer the most out of the cast, or maybe I just hated Cobb and Ariadne.
And suits. <3 Oh, the suits.
The ending: