Where and when did you start rping?
I started RPing on Gaia in 2006.
Do you rp anywhere other than lj?
I play on IJ a lot because of the 100 icon cap.
Do you play in any public games?
That I do! I'm currently in
Numeri which you should all join. Because we are cool.
Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging
Comment spams are easier, but I prefer prose logging. I feel like I can get more out of the character.
What was the first character you ever played?
The first character I ever played was a geomancer named Kuri Miyamoto. Lol weaboo. She worked at a magical school and I never quite decided whether she was half forest spirit or a changeling who'd been granted powers. Surprisingly, she wasn't my biggest Mary Sue ever, though she does come close.
Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Oh I couldn't choose, I love all of them too much.
What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
Well, before I came to LJ I had a bad habit of RP hopping. So it would end being Peter Pettigrew in IWL just by default. As a character in various incarnations, I've been playing Loretta Carmichael for a little over three years now.
What's your biggest rp pet peeve?
That's another toughie. I'd say it would probably say people who write all their characters with the same voice, especially if said characters are very different people. And, for a shallow one, I hate it when people link off to pictures instead of just describing whatever the hell it is they're linking off to a picture of, especially if they described it well enough in the text. Everyone knows what a chocolate cake looks like, guys. For backpats, I even got a metaquote of my rant on it.
Do you read rp secrets and the rp anon meme?
I read RP!S, mainly because secret comms can be fun. I've never gotten into anon memes, though.
If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
I prefer a mix, really.
Would you rather play with someone who's very very ic but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always ic (but not terrible) and a great writer?
Bad characterization and bad writing tend to go hand in hand, I find, but if I had the choice I'd rather have a great writer and just imagine that the character in question was an OC.
Do you have a "rp partner"?
That I do. Ilu
Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? who?
No. I had a Peggy Hill mun on my flist once, but she never posted.
In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
Not really? I usually use one of the layouts LJ use you if I don't get my format from
What was your first game?
I remember it pretty well actually. It was on Gaia, and I joined it on a joke because I thought all RPs were like the Chatterbox. It was a school RP that ended up being really awesome, at least for someone who had no experience. I discovered I liked writing and RPing.
Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
No? I usually don't do panfandom/multifandom.
Most memorable scene in any thread?
...Tough question. Probably the wedding thread from IWL because it was the world's biggest pain in the ass OOC.
Do you rp sex?
That I do. *fingerguns*
Do you play more males or females?
I play more guys, but I have a lot of female muses who I am very fond of.
What won't you rp?
Well, I'll RP anything if it sounds like a cool plot/good characterization. But I'm a bit shy of rape. Oh! I won't RP pregnancy.
Dressing rooms: yes or no?
If you like them, sure. I've never been in one.
Ever rped a pairing?
That I have, though I didn't start until I was on LJ.
Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
I'd have to say I like public games because I'm masochistic.
Talking rp with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Fun! Personally, I love talking about RP and it would be fun to see someone's different perspective on my characters.