Lately I've been doing a hell of a lot of procrastination when it comes to writing. I've gotten everything else done, started the yard work, cleaned balconies, went on spring cleaning sprees in the house, done a bunch of cooking, etc., but every time I try to sit down and write or edit, something inside of me freezes. It's driving me MAD. I want to write, but that pesky inner editor is always doubtful, always there to tell me I suck and at times it's drowning out my own thoughts. I think it's because of the edits on my angels book. I had to evaluate every sentence and every word to see what to keep and now I'm stuck in that mindset. I need to learn to allow myself to write crap again, and it's a little bit of an adjustment, especially because I haven't finished the edits yet either. I won't give up though, cause we all know that a blank page can't be fixed. *g*I'm determined to have this book as good as it can be.
While I am in the writing blues - or however you might call it! - I've definitely not been lacking in the idea department. Three new ideas for character's and their stories jumped me and every day I ponder them, their worlds become more intricate and want to be written more badly. My head is starting to get a little crowded! I've been putting them on the backburner, but once I'm done with the angels revisions, I will have to pick one to write. Which will be an almost impossible task in itself, because right now they all feel awesome and shiny and exciting.
Uni started this week, and I've had two of my modules so far. I had no idea I'd selected a module on diversity, but I think it'll be interesting. If anything, the lecturer seems really good, so we'll see how things'll turn out. I'm STILL waiting for a grade in one of my modules from last semester, and while I thought patience was my strong suit, waiting for quite this long, is slowly starting to make me a little antsy.
So, this is a slightly boring update, I promise I'll be more interesting next time. :D
Scary fact: In exactly one month, I'll be a quarter of a century old. Waaah. *g*