Gen Prompt Bingo: Round Three

Jun 01, 2014 13:51

I'm still working on my round two card, but I just can't resist. And this card is awesome. So many ideas swirling around my head right now...

Film Noir Snow and IceWild DancesChaos and OrderCould it be Ritual? Archaeologists and their Theories.A Series of Unfortunate AccidentsCurtainficTerribleWomen Being AwesomeMountainsThe Coming of Spring / AutumnFix-itsWild CardThiefRunning on EmptyA Cry for HelpMobile / Carnivorous PlantsFalls the ShadowFound FamiliesFlesh and BoneIndefatiguableLate at NightSouth OssetiaAffectionWhen I'm 64: Futurefic

genprompt_bingo, challenge

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