NPT Letter

Apr 19, 2014 03:34

Dear Writer,

I'm very sorry my letter isn't ready yet. My mother had a stroke recently, and I haven't gotten the chance to finish it. I'm posting what I have so far. The full letter should be up by 5/5. Thanks for your understanding!

General Likes/Dislikes

Likes: Hurt/comfort, character exploration, gen, casefic, het, femslash, reluctant allies, enemies to friends/lovers... Really, as long as something is well-written, I'll be happy.

Dislikes: Rape, noncon, graphic child abuse, animal abuse (described or implied--it's my absolute DNW), pregnancy, and a/b/o. Also character death--please don't kill off any characters.

Arrow: Felicity, Nyssa, Sara, Thea

Thea: I feel very protective of her. Of all the characters on the show, she's had the worst of it, in my opinion. She was just a child when her father and brother died, fracturing her entire life. And then when Oliver came back, things really went to hell--her step-father was abducted, then he divorced her mother. Tommy died. Her mother helped commit a mass murder. Thea herself was abducted. She found out her father wasn't really her father--and that her real dad was a murdering bastard. Her boyfriend broke up with her, and then her mother was murdered in front of her. She lost her club...and her childhood home!

What else can one poor girl go through?

I guess there's no real prompt in that, but I'm interested in someone taking Thea and exploring who she's become because of everything that's happened. Or maybe go the opposite way--give Thea a bit of happiness and joy for a change.

I love her teamed up with Sin, and would enjoy something where they go have adventures together.

Or maybe show her becoming Speedy--what pushes her into that? What adventures does she have? How does Oliver react--does she become part of Team Arrow, or does she hide it from him?

Felicity: I do ship Felicity and Oliver...and Felicty and Sara. And Felicty, Sara and Oliver. If you'd rather write gen, though, that's fine.

Lately, I've been a little unhappy with Felicity's story line. I like it when she's an equal part of the team, not just someone who's mooning over Oliver...or Barry. I'd like for her to be her own character, a whole person, not one defined by the men she's (not) dating.

Sara/Nyssa: I ship these two like burning. You could write them together or separate--either way, I'd be happy. We haven't really seen how they met yet--perhaps a story that explores that?

Or maybe Sara and Felicity have teamed up for some reason--rescuing Oliver? Undercover somewhere Oliver and Diggle can't go? Just let your imagination guide you. As long as the characters stay true to who they are in the show, I'll be happy.

Captain America (Movies): Natasha, Steve, Sam, Bucky

Please don't hate me for this, but...I don't have a clear idea of what I want for these characters. I just know that I saw the movie and didn't want it to end. I wanted to hang out with these people for a while longer. I wanted them to have more adventures.

I don't have any shippy feels, so gen is fine. Any pairing is fine if you don't like writing gen. The only thing I really want is for Natasha not to be marginalized. If she's included, please make her a full part of the team with just as much competence and agency as the guys. And please don't demonize her to further a relationship between the men.

If you've matched up with me for this, please just follow your muse (or plot bunnies, as the case may be). If you have fun writing something, I'll probably have fun reading it.

Thor (Movies): Loki, Sif, Thor, Darcy

First, if you want to write gen, that's fine. I ship Loki and Sif and Loki/Sif/Thor. When it comes to the latter, angst and longing are my favorite. Actually, angst and longing are probably my favorite things when it comes to Loki, period. Any configuration of these characters works for me--Loki/Sif, Thor/Loki (especially if it's twisted), Sif/Darcy...

When it comes to Darcy...have you seen The Zeppo episode of BtVS? I think it would be really fun to have a story like that, but with Darcy as the lead instead of Xander. What's her side of it? What does she see, from the periphery, that other people miss? What if she had an adventure of her own (and maybe even managed to save the world) in the midst of Thor/Jane/Avengers problems?

World of Warcraft: Jaina, Wrathion, Anduin

There are so many fascinating characters in the WoW mythos, but right now, the most interesting to me are Jaina, Anduin and Wrathion.

Jaina has been through so much, from losing Arthas to dealing with the destruction of Theramore and the betrayal of the Sunreavers. Her entire belief system--that the Kirin Tor and Dalaran should remain neutral, that peace can be achieved--has been shattered. Where does she go from here? How does she deal with what's happening with Garrosh?

As a side note, if you prefer writing something shippy, I like the idea of Jaina/Varian Wrynn. They've both lost the people they love, and if you think about it, who else do they have to turn to? They disagree with each other on many things, and I don't imagine a romance--more like angry sex, or angsty sex.

Or you could write Jaina/Arthas from before he became the Lich King.

Wrathion is interesting to me mostly because he's an enigma--what are his true motives? I also like the idea of him and Anduin having an adventure. They'd play off each other really well. have the events with Garrosh affected his optimism? His belief in peace and nonviolence? Did his injuries and time spent recuperating change him?

Person of Interest: Carter, Zoe, Root, Shaw

I'm still not over what happened to Carter. To that end, I want fix-it fic. Maybe her death was faked and she went into witness protection. Or she was revived at the last minute by someone sent by the Machine, and she's off somewhere, waiting and biding her time to help the team (or waiting and recuperating). If you can figure out a cool way to keep Carter around, you'll have my everlasting adoration.

For Root and Shaw, I ship them. It seems obvious to me that there's some attraction there. Root either feels it toward Shaw, or she senses that Shaw is attracted to her and plays with Shaw because of it. Either way, they'd have super hot sex. Are either of them capable of truly feeling love? I don't know. But you could explore that too--could a romantic element actually exist between them?

For Zoe, you could pair her with John and give them a number to protect. Or follow her on her day-to-day life. Her life, away from Harold and co., is interesting enough. How did she amass her power? What drove her to become the person she is today?

I really enjoyed the episode where Shaw, Carter and Zoe teamed up, and I'd love a story where that happens again--with bonus Root to complicate things.

Agents of SHIELD: Melinda May, Raina, Victoria Hand, Jemma Simmons

Agents of SHIELD went from being something I was lukewarm about to one of my favorite shows. It's largely due to the women. I don't have any shipping feelings, so I'm open to whatever you'd like to write.

fanfiction, fic exchange, challenge, not prime time, fic

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