Today I started work at 8am, compiled an Excel sheet with all businesses in the district, plus finding out contact numbers and key decision makers, organised a meeting, managed several adwords accounts, texted my boss to remind him to bring his documents, contacted and communicated with three candidates for two different jobs, compiled another xls sheet where I filled in the rewards points of the team, checked a sales track file the sales guys sent me to see if there was progress (and contact with sales potential) made, bought stationary for the office, managed my boss' diary, scheduling and re-scheduling meetings, called the credit card company of the second director because she had troubles with her card, printed out resumes, read them and summarised them for my boss, proofread one business proposal for a client, was made responsible for the sales reports and invoicing report, and finally had a last meeting with my boss from 6 to 6.45pm where I got assigned the task to oversee the re-furnishing and re-fitting of the office.
My To Do list for tomorrow? ... I'll better be in the office by 7.45am :D
I am still on trial, but somehow I can't really imagine, they'll fire me now, after they gave me alle these tasks, right?