Mememe (Seen at )

May 24, 2012 19:43

Which philosopher are you?
Your Result: W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein

There is no provable absolute truth. The way you see things is dependant on your language. Truths exist only within a language, and change as the language does.

--This quiz was made by S. A-Lerer.
Sartre/Camus (late existentialists)


Early Wittgenstein / Positivists


Immanuel Kant

Plato (strict rationalists)

Which philosopher are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Interesting :)

I am no philosopher by any stretch nor do I have any concept even of what philosophy is :D but it's amusing that my views of life and truth seem to be most similar to Wittgenstein's, who is from the same country I was born.

funny things, non fic, mememe

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