
Aug 15, 2011 00:54

As seen at alisanne, torino10154 and others :)

No surprise here! I am not the quickest thinker I admit it and even in RL I'm known for acting first and thinking later (or not at all). Sometimes it's a miracle I managed to survive that long, but maybe I'm lucky as I seem to be having lots of smart Slytherins, level-headed Ravenclaws and loyal Hufflepuffs as friends ;)

I'm rather a faithful dog when it comes to friendships and dealing with others, which leads to me often being hissed at by impatient cat people. It's true that I can be a tad emotionally unstable but I'd like to think that meanwhile I matured a little. I certainly won't punch my friends in the face anymore no matter how drunk I am ;P. (I never ever punched a woman! Or a child!)

Your result for The Sorting Hat: A Comprehensive Harry Potter Personality Assessment [Test/Quiz]...

54% Ravenclaw, 36% Hufflepuff, 46% Slytherin and 61% Gryffindor!

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

Gryffindor's cardinal traits are bravery, pride, stubbornness and impulsiveness. Most people in the house of Gryffindor will be extroverted. (Remember, introversion is different than being shy: you can be a shy extrovert.) Gryffindors gain energy and life by being around people, gain strength from friends and enjoy working with those close to them. However, they are also emotionally volatile and can experience a wide range of feelings in a short amount of time, from unbridled happiness to deep depression to unrestrained rage. They are less emotionally stable than some of the other houses (such as Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff); Gryffindors are also impulsive. They're generally good-hearted and trusting, and for the most part like people at first sight unless they are given a reason not to. Gryffindors are prideful, bad at taking criticism and easily get into conflicts with others-this is the main trait that would bring their overall level of agreeableness from high to average.

A Gryffindor's prideful nature coupled with their sense of justice and stubborn behaviour causes them to be extremely set in their ways. They have a difficult time backing down from a fight or admitting that they are wrong. It's also very hard for them to get over a bad first impression or change their opinion about someone.

Take The Sorting Hat: A Comprehensive Harry Potter Personality Assessment [Test/Quiz] at HelloQuizzy

non fic, meme

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