Mar 25, 2021 17:38

it's been awhile.

i got so used to twitter's character limit, i think i'm incapable of having thoughts longer than 280 characters.

i haven't written for HP for ages, although i sometimes think my best fics were my HP fics because i had a much better grasp on the characters? having 7 books of a fictional universe does make a difference if you.

i love loki and now nbc hannibal but i feel it's a lot harder to write good fics about them. here are books about hannibal i could read, but from what i understand they're so different from the show, i don't feel like reading them all?

idk i might try writing another HP fic one of these days...

rl: my company and my work was hardly affected by the whole pandemic thing. i'm busy as always, working long hours, so not concerned at the moment about being laid off etc, which at least in austria seems to be happening a lot.

we're facing another lockdown but since i never did the home office thing myself and didn't go out privately much i barely notice them.

anyway, hope you're all good! say hi <3

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