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akatnamedeaster February 17 2015, 14:33:12 UTC
Do you receive more hate than before?

Oh gods yes. You're not wrong love, fandom in general, no matter which one, has become a much less friendly place in the last few years. I'm not sure what's driving it but yes, there is a lot more hateful crap going around than there was way back when.

There are times when critique is acceptable to be sure. But overall, I refrain from it since, I figure, all of us here are writing this stuff for fun and you don't know what's going on with the person on the other side of the screen. Maybe they're having a tough time of it and that thoughtful critique hits them wrong. Maybe that's just me being an oversensitive weenie, but I prefer to err on the side of caution and just back button out of something I don't like.

I don't get a lot of that, but other stuff, back-handed comments, entitlement (you didn't have the characters do what I wanted and unless you fix it, I'm not reading you anymore!! Seriously, someone cursed me out because they didn't like an abridged sex scene in a story with multiple sex scenes), pairing bashing (eww, how can you like -that-.) and other lovely gems. At this point, it's gotten more amusing than anything.


alexicyn February 17 2015, 14:37:00 UTC
Wait!?!?!? Who is giving you a hard time??!?! Let me at em! So help me Circe, if they make you sad and you stop gracing us with your beautiful talents.... GRRRRRR

**Looks around and wonders who she has to bite!**


akatnamedeaster February 17 2015, 14:41:02 UTC
Thanks babe, it's all good though but I do have a lot of detractors out there, comes with being loud, opinionated, and prolific. It used to make me really upset and sometimes still does but overall, I just shake my head and hit the delete button.

The one that cursed me out was funny though. I honestly thought they were joking at first. Ah well, at least they're really passionate about the material. ;)


alexicyn February 17 2015, 14:48:25 UTC
I will never understand that *shaking my damn head* I've seen some comments where I'm look 'well, you entitlement happy little asshole'. I read an author who says plainly on the start page of her site that unsolicited beta and con crit is not asked for, or welcome. And folks still try to do it. It's rather amusing watching her rip someone a new one, but rather bullshit that she has to do it all.

I figure that most folks use spell check, and unless it's something seriously awful, I skim over it. I have been known to point out when they say, repeat a paragraph, because I've done that on AO3 myself. But spelling, and grammar? I'm not that great myself, I'm not going to go wagging fingers at someone else. :D

What I do find amusing/annoying is when someone say "You need a beta!" No suggestion of where to find a beta. No offer to be a beta. Just "You need a beta!" as if they grow on trees and you can just pluck one off, or you can go down to your local Quiki-mart and pick one up. LOL

I LOVE whatever you are generous enough to offer us, because yeah, you're generous enough to offer it to us! :)


akatnamedeaster February 17 2015, 14:58:24 UTC
Yeah, it was really weird and I wanted to say to the person "look, I know you were interested in seeing the deets, but there's another extended sex scene at the end with all that and I still have 30 pages to get through. These comics are a very labor and time intensive business and I can't show every little thing since I'd never finish. So yeah. Get over it please." But I didn't because all those things should be obvious.

For me, I just don't offer critique since unless it's asked for, I don't know how someone will take it. Spelling and grammar, well, the copy editor in me wants to correct it since sometimes it hurts an otherwise good story. (someone used "waste" instead of "waist" once and it left a really unpleasant visual.) But, again, unless someone is asking for it, I won't do it.

Betas are tough to come by and most prolific writers have a set of "go to" betas for their work. A newbie probably won't have that resource and if you're new or shy it can be hard to ask for help. I understand. HP used to have a good resource on LJ to ask for betas, but I don't know if other fandoms do or even if those HP resources are still valid.

As for the other complaints like "OMG you had X bottom! You suck!" give me a fucking break. There's no written rules about that and I don't think anyone needs to warn for that sort of thing. I warn for major kinks and squicks and that's it. If Snape (or Harry or whoever) bottoming bothers you, well, what can I say?

Thanks again hon, I really appreciate all of you that are generous enough to leave me feedback and keep me going. :)


carolinelamb February 18 2015, 01:46:47 UTC
I have to admit I do need often a warning for who bottoms. It's fandom. I mean who's get to say what's not a squick or not?

I find harry bottoming for Snape just really uncomfortable-I don't ask for people to tag their fics though because it makes them angry. I simply assume that 99.9% are bottom!Harry and don't even click the link, except for when it's tagged with Bottom!Snape. (Obviously I have read all the fifteen Snarries that exist in which Snape does bottom already so ...)

I am unsquickable in every other regard though. I've read a few scat fics and was like, ok, that wasn't too bad, I don't require warnings for character death, I stumbled into a menstrual blood/bestiality fic while eating my breakfast.

Pretty much nothing fazes me, but I still warn and tag-often over-tag in order to avoid anyone being squicked because no matter my own preferences or limitations I never assume others are like me. To me that isn't a basic requirement. If someone doesn't tag their fics I just don't read them and that's it. I for myself do tag most fics with who bottoms as a courtesy. If people don't require the tags they won't mind, and if they do mind, then I did them a small favour which literally only consisted of me typing "Bottom!Snape".

If I were like you I'd just stop tagging character death, because wtf its fictional and if people are bothered by that, well, what can I do? :)

There aren't really written rules for anything in fandom. That's the beauty of it. Anything goes.

People have often weird, unexplainable kinks and squicks and in RL female desires get often ridiculed and shit on anyway. I don't think we need to continue this in fandom. We can acknowledge not to understand something and still respect it.

Also if you don't really care who bottoms/tops then you're just lucky.

I have found a new pairing though where I am flexible, which makes me extremely happy because I get to experience for the first time in fandom what it means to "not care"-which is Willton, Will Graham and Frederick Chilton from Hannibal.


akatnamedeaster February 18 2015, 01:52:09 UTC
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend with my opinion on that. I think because I am flexible with my own pairing and don't really care who bottoms or tops in a fic that it seems to me something that isn't typically warned for or doesn't have to be.

But you know, maybe there are a lot of people who feel like you and if that's the case then perhaps I should start warning for it. I'm just so accustomed to having the characters switch between stories or even within the same story that it really is one of those things that don't faze me at all. I honestly don't think of it as being on the same plane as a sexual kink or character death or something that can be potentially triggering, I just really look at it as a position and really nothing more, that other people may have strong reactions to it is something that's very difficult for me to grasp.

But again, you've given me something to think about and I'm always open to being wrong about something if I am. I'm very fond of you and the last thing I wanted to do was piss you off. I didn't take into account that people might be upset by topping/bottoming set ups beyond just being angry that a story didn't go the way they wanted it to.


carolinelamb February 18 2015, 02:16:43 UTC
The whole top/bottom thing is a bit of a mystery-it's not sexual kink like IDK watersports. It's not a genre either, like "Fluff".

Maybe it's about power balance and heteronormativity? Like some people just want Snape to be "The MAN"? Or something?

It's one of those things I am influenced/affected by in my reading/writing but I can't even explain it.

Years ago I once got a serious comment on my Snarries on ffnet or adultffnet because for a time I refused to tag my fics. I felt there are so many Bottom!Harry fics out there that don't warn for Bottom!Harry so I don't need to warn for Bottom!Snape. In hindsight it was an exercise in retaliation? Obviously pretty futile as these things go.

The commenter was seriously squicked, because they just found the idea of the older guy bottoming for the younger guy really disturbing. I've never seen this angle before but that was when I started thinking of topping/bottoming as somehow preserving our heteronormative markers or so? Like we need someone to be the male and someone to be the female? Although it's slash?

I know I like my Snape as a bottom. He's the power bottom of the HP fandom. In recent years however I warmed up to Sirius bottoming for Severus. I have no idea why and how but it happened.

Seriously, it doesn't make much sense ... I can't really find the right words or I can't properly rationalise it, so I totally understand when others don't understand either why people make a fuss about this whole issue.

It's not as I make a lot of sense :P

I do feel a bit self-conscious about it too so sorry if I went on to a rant here-I think it's because I commented on that topic on my tumblr a few days ago and the whole top/bottom thing is kind of stuck in my brain atm :/


akatnamedeaster February 18 2015, 02:27:38 UTC
Don't feel self conscious about it, you feel how you feel and I didn't take that into consideration before spouting off.

For me, I'm very resistant to the idea that bottoming means anything more than the character likes to get fucked in the ass. I really don't like assigning any greater meaning to it than that and I absolutely despise the notion that it somehow means that he's a lesser man than the top.

I know you feel you're having trouble explaining it but I think I understand it, and it may be why I don't have trouble with it myself or rather don't see the trouble since I don't ship or read pairings with the perception of a large age/power disparity but I could see how that might come across as potentially squicky to someone who does.

In any case, there's no need for you to explain yourself to me. You like what you like and you feel how you feel, full stop. My own biases are present in my not seeing the issues with the whole top/bottom thing. I've also always read those "How dare you make X bottom!" as entitlement where the person is angry they didn't get to see their preferred set up which does make me defensive.

And yay for warming up to bottom!Sirius in Snack once in a while. I love have them flip fuck in stories or just having Sirius enjoy a good rogering/smacking about. Every boy deserves to be taken care of sometimes. ;)


carolinelamb February 18 2015, 13:03:09 UTC


torino10154 February 18 2015, 13:05:24 UTC
For me, I'm very resistant to the idea that bottoming means anything more than the character likes to get fucked in the ass. I really don't like assigning any greater meaning to it than that and I absolutely despise the notion that it somehow means that he's a lesser man than the top.

Not to dismiss Caro's feelings, because obviously something that's a squick is a squick, but this is exactly how I feel.

And more to her that you, there definitely are more people who freak out about Snape bottoming than vice versa and yeah, I don't "warn" for Snape bottoming any more than I'd warn for Harry bottoming. IF, as Easter's pointed out, no one attached all this baggage to what topping and bottoming means, I'd probably mark my fic as a simple indication of the position. But because people think it MEANS something, like Snape's going to be a pathetic little bitch if he bottoms, that's why I won't do it. I don't want people bringing all that excess characterization, for a lack of a better word, with them to my story.

ETA: I can't tell whether this comment is where it's supposed to be (ie in response to akatnamedeaster's comment). LOL Journaling is hard sometimes. :P


akatnamedeaster February 18 2015, 13:24:56 UTC
It's unfortunate but a lot of people really do have this heteronormative idea about what topping/bottoming means and assign characteristics to a character based on a position in bed. I realize that a lot of people use it as a sort of shorthand for aspects of a character's personality, but like you say, I don't want them bringing those preconceived notions to something I wrote since that shorthand isn't present in my stories.

Tangentially related, a couple of weeks ago there was an article going around about how some slash fans fetishize gay men and after reading the article I fell down a rabbit hole and ended up at a gay news site (for the life of me I can't remember which one) on an article about bottoming and one thing that was very interesting in the comments (to me anyway) were the number of guys expressing that if they're on a dating site and someone describes themselves as a "top" or "bottom", they swipe and go to the next profile. Granted, it's not some sort of scientific study, but I found it interesting that the vast majority of gay men commenting looked at versatility in bed as a must and seemed to shun the rigid top/bottom roles that fandom often seems to embrace.


torino10154 February 18 2015, 14:19:48 UTC
I suspect that as being gay loses it's stigma (yes, there is a long way to go but generally speaking) a lot of the traditional "roles" will, if not go away entirely, just lead to broader acceptance of all manner of relationships. Like M/F where now some people maintain a traditional bread winner/stay at home, others have moved to two people working, while still others buck all of that completely--there was also a recent survey that said more girlfriends complained about lack of sex than boyfriends. I see LGBT people also deciding, you know, *I* don't have to do X because I am gay or Y because I am a lesbian and being "a top" or "a bottom" rather than just enjoying a particular sex position may be one of them. Which isn't to say that yes, some people really prefer one or the other. Which I have no issue with. But this idea that you must be one or the other or that people will say, "Oh, he's definitely a bottom". Basically the lines should be blurring in all manner of relationships gay straight or anything along the queer spectrum as well as expectations both in the bedroom and outside it. Again, not that I see this moving faster than molasses but you saying they are beginning to shun the Top/bottom roles does lead me to believe that's the case. /tl;dr

Additionally, someone a few months ago posted about topping/bottoming and I found a story about bottom shaming (which I can't seem to find at the moment... oh this was it) but the crucial point of it was, that by shaming the bottom, he doesn't get the medical attention needed--including the newer AIDS drugs which can help prevent the spread of the disease because the bottom is more likely to contract HIV than the top.


carolinelamb February 18 2015, 13:28:00 UTC
Obviously one needs to be a better writer than I am, but I do try to write actively against notions of hetero-normativity in my fics.

I have a certain ideas of what is feminine and what is masculine, I have a certain idea of power balance, and most of these ideas are not born in a vacuum but fostered by society. So even though I try, I do realise certain cliches sneak in.

Saying that, I've read very few fics where topping/bottoming has no connotation at all. A lot, if not most bottom!Harry fics do feminise Harry, some more subtle than others.

In my case one major aspect is who I find attractive. So, in HP fandom, I mostly find Snape attractive. Everyone else is (sexually) irrelevant to me. I like to write Snarries sure, but I don't really care much for Harry outside his roles as love interest for Snape. And so I sexually objectify Snape-not Harry.

Same with Thorinduil and Hannigram. To me Will Graham and Thranduil are sexually attractive, while I care less for Hannibal or Thorin.

The idea with tagging is though that you don't want to scare off a majority of potential readers/want to lead them to your fic. IDK if I were to be squicked by umbrellas that wouldn't really justify a tag because I'd be pretty much the only person squicked by an umbrella.

Same with that whole bottoming thing-I'm pretty sure that only the tiniest fraction of readers, probably less than 1% only search for "Bottom!Character X" tags (like I do)-so in the whole it's not really an important squick like i. e. scat, character death, etc.,


torino10154 February 18 2015, 13:31:47 UTC
Saying that, I've read very few fics where topping/bottoming has no connotation at all. A lot, if not most bottom!Harry fics do feminise Harry, some more subtle than others.

I agree with you, actually. And I hate it. I probably still do it, though hopefully more subtly most of the time. Why do people have so much trouble writing two men as men? IDK but it's something I am trying to work on myself.


akatnamedeaster February 18 2015, 17:28:24 UTC
Saying that, I've read very few fics where topping/bottoming has no connotation at all.

I agree with this and I'm sure it's not in small part due to the fact that the vast majority of slash writers are women and we're drawing on our own experiences and the way male/female relationships are presented to us in the world. The receptive partner is by definition weaker, more emotional, usually younger, and in need of being conquered/taken care of in that world view so it's understandable that this view of what being the one penetrated "means" will be present in the way many women write the bottom in fic.

Hell, even the word penetrate carries a connotation of power. No one thinks of a vagina engulfing a penis, after all.

So, while I really don't like the idea that bottoming=feminine/submissive, I understand why it's often presented that way but damn, I wish there was a whole lot less of it. :/

The idea with tagging is though that you don't want to scare off a majority of potential readers/want to lead them to your fic.

A thought on this. One reason that I would hesitate to tag fic in this manner is because there's a part of me that would like someone who's generally not a fan of X bottoming (and without fail, the only time I've gotten comments wrt to who's on the bottom is someone mentioning that they don't usually like bottom!Snape.) to give something I did a shot and see if maybe they would like the way I did it. I know that might sound like I think highly of my own stuff (I honestly don't, I'm a good pencil slinger but not the best by any means, I know.), but in the past, I have had people tell me the like the way I write the M/M relationship I do and enjoy bottom!Snape in my work even if they avoid it elsewhere.

But obviously, those are people who aren't squicked by it, just have a top/bottom set up they prefer.

Maybe that's a horrible reason, but I admit, it's something that would bother me if someone passed on a story solely because of who's topping without giving a chance to see how the story presented it.


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