Fic: The Demons (Harry/Ginny, Harry/Snape/NC17)

Jan 14, 2013 13:04

The title and many plot elements are an homage to the French Film Noir "Les Diaboliques" which I adored as a child. Although writing this was harder than I thought in the beginning (due to me not having really thought through the entire plot), it turned out to be one of the fics I am most proud of.

I wrote The Demons (DW | LJ) for the Bring Back The Bastard 2012 Fest hosted by deeply_horrible

Just as a warning beforehand: Please heed the warnings before reading :D This fic is amongst others about spousal abuse, betrayal and infidelity! Also, it should be noted, although it features Harry/Snape, it's not a Snarry.

My utmost gratitude goes to schemingreader and rexluscus who helped me over a major writing block and plot frustration with a solid injection of logic :D and reigned in my Germanistic syntax and confused commas! Also a big, big THANK YOU to verdeckt whose saintly patience allowed me to submit my, er, submission way past deadline! Also, thank you for the many offers of help, they warmed my heart! You know who you are! Please don't ever hesitate to contact me, should you be in need of a beta/sounding board/cheerleader/handholder!


I loved the quality of writing and art for this fest, and was astonished by the many Gen-fics that focussed on exploring Severus Snape's darker sides. I first thought this fest will see a LOT of detention fics, but no, only a handful of writers (including myself) wrote full on NC17 stories!

I really hope that if you didn't have a look at this Fest, you'll do so now! There are so many interesting entries, and although they highlight the more unsavoury traits of Severus Snape, most of them go about this in such an intelligent, delicate way that in the end it's not really a decontruction of Severus Snape, but a brilliantly facetted portrayal.

There are some incredibly beautiful, haunting art pieces as well, so if you don't have the time to read yet, why not have a look at them?

the demons, length: long, snape/voldemort, ginny/voldemort, nc17, fic, harry/snape, harry/voldemort, harry/ginny

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