
Mar 09, 2004 20:25

I seem to overhear the most annoying conversations while out to eat. A few nights ago while eating at a Mexican restaurant in Chapel Hill, I heard this irritating exchange:

Man(Talking very slowly, as though the waiter does not understand English): So what all comes with # 4?
(Me, to myself): If you just read the menu, you would know exactly what comes with # 4, you lazy bastard.)
Waiter: One enchilada, one taco, and rice.
Man: Hmm. Can I substitute a burrito for the enchilada?
(Me: That is an unreasonable request because: a) they are both tortillas wrapped around some combination of beans, meat, and rice; and b) the man could just order the one burrito, one taco, and rice meal (I checked the menu to make sure this combination existed). If I were the waiter, I would have been tempted to say no, he could not substitute a burrito for the enchilada. )

This was the conversation I heard tonight:

Guy 1: It would be really hard to hit someone with a napkin!
(Me: Why would anyone have the desire to hit a person with a napkin?)
Guy 2: Haaa! What's that?
Guy 3: Dude, you don't know what a napkin is?
Guy 2: Whoa..I thought he said "Lapkin"!! Haahahaaa!
Guy 1: What would a lapkin be? A cross between a napkin and a fork?! Hahaahahaa!
(Me: "Lapkin" does not sound like a cross between a napkin and a fork. Fork begins with an F, not an L.)
Guy 2: Hahah! I think it sounds like a furry animal! Hahaaa!
-They continue discussing "lapkins" and laughing at their own jokes (if you can even call them jokes) for at least five minutes-
And these were not even young people. They looked to be about 25, which is much, much too old for that type of conversation.
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