It's a very Glee Christmas. Unfortunately.

Dec 13, 2011 21:01

They cut to Finn when Schue said 'mistletoe'. Cardboard Cory is currently standing under the mistletoe in my living room waiting for Cardboard Matt to show up. I'm just saying.

Aw, Sam has a new boyfriend. That's adorable, even though I hate the stupid Glee Project stuntcasting.

Oh, I guess I could have bought my nephew Glee The Concert instead of the book on Broadway I got him for Christmas. Though the book's bound to be more entertaining and higher quality, so in the end I think I made the right choice.

Rachel doing a cover of "River" is her idea of focusing on the brightness of the holiday? Really? I love that song, don't get me wrong, and I'm always up for a new version -- particularly one featuring Cory Monteith, which just goes to show I never get what I want -- but it's no more cheerful than Blue Christmas. And since when is Rachel so materialistic, anyway?

Aw, Artie's a Klaine shipper. Truth is I never liked Artie all that much.

And Sam gets dumped again. Poor Sam! He deserves to be lucky in love.


Rachel just quoted Lucy from A Charlie Brown Christmas, in case you missed it. It is super lame that they're making her materialistic to shoehorn references to Christmas classics into this thing. Rachel's dads give her everything; she wouldn't be hounding Finn for a pair of diamond earrings.

The wardrobe people took pity on Mark and put him in a hat. Or maybe they took pity on us. That's probably it; it's their little Christmas gift to all of us. Thanks, Wardrobe People! A very merry Christmas to you too.

Whenever Rachel and Blaine sing together I ship them. I think that's what the show wants, but it makes me want to write Lea/Darren fic, and then I need a drink. (Though they are both weirdo theater kids and they should probably get married, since Jonathan's gay.)

I like to think that now that Puck's single again, he spends his time hanging around Kurt and Finn's making inappropriate comments about how much chemistry Rachel and Blaine have, and reminding them both of that one time Rachel and Blaine made out and Blaine went straight for five minutes, and then Kurt gets pissy and Finn gets twitchy and Puck laughs and laughs. Because misery loves company!

Years later, when Puck finally convinces Kurt that they're perfect together, he will laugh and laugh about how upset Kurt used to get about Rachel and Blaine, and Kurt will refuse to speak to him for hours at a time. Hey, I never said they'd have a healthy relationship. I just said they were perfect for each other.

ophelias_heart called earlier to alert me to the fact that Matt Morrison directed this episode, so I rushed home to watch it. So far it's not painful, really, but I'm not sure it was worth the speed I drove to get home.

I'm having trouble believing the local cable access channel would sign on for a gay theme on their Christmas special. This is Ohio, after all. Obviously I'm not saying there aren't progressives in Ohio, but there's a reason Kasich won the election.

It's nice to see Kurt dancing well, though. We all know he can, so the retconning of his grace the last season and a half has been annoying.

Oh, I see, they 'de-gayed' it. By making Kurt a 1950s housewife. Wow, that's even more gross. I take it back, this is painful to watch. And we're only halfway through. Ooh, gay jokes. AWESOME. I have a really hard time believing Kurt would sign on for this. Blaine, yes, but not Kurt.

Oh, hey, Kurt and Mercedes are pretend friends again. That's nice. Too bad it won't last past this episode.

I'm going to need a lot more alcohol if this is going to last much longer. Seriously, it's been four minutes. I'm just going to be over here picturing Puck and Kurt years later, cuddled together on the couch at Christmas time, when Puck whips out the secret recording he scored from Artie of Kurt and Blaine's 'sitcom', and how embarrassed Kurt would be. Puck would laugh and laugh and Kurt would blush harder than ever and smack Puck every time he said "Gee whiz, you guys" for the next week.

And then Kurt would remind him about the stupid Star Wars outfits and how dumb they looked and Puck would argue that Star Wars rocks, and Han shot first, and Blaine was way lamer than he could ever be, and nobody can argue with that. Also he would insist Kurt was eyefucking him while he was singing, and Kurt would claim that he was acting, and the whole argument would devolve into lazy middle-of-the-day sex where they laughed pretty much the whole time.

When I was eight I wanted to marry Luke Skywalker, and now here's Finn Hudson dressed as my former imaginary future husband. I feel my life has come full circle somehow.

Okay, I forgive them a tiny bit for how painful this is because they're letting Heather sing "Christmas Wrapping". Just a tiny bit. They could have let her sing a lot longer than that.

He's reading from the Bible? Really? They had a perfect opportunity to go with "A Child's Christmas In Wales" here! I know he's Irish, but still. Since when is this show Jesusy? Since forever, I know, but now they're just pandering. And yet again there is no mention of Hanukkah, despite the fact that it intersects with Christmas this year. LAME.

Oh, I forgot they were singing this. Well, at least I got to hear a little Cory. I think it's clear there's only one reason I ever watch this show anymore. I mean, if I want to write Puck/Kurt fic canon has nothing to do with it, and they've ruined every good thing about Will, so Cory's ridiculous face is all I have left. Sad but true.

Also this is an INCREDIBLY inappropriate song to sing at the homeless shelter. I work with the homeless all day long and they are pretty realistic about their situations, generally speaking, but come on. Nobody wants to be reminded that your life is a hundred times better than theirs, especially during the holidays when everything that sucks seems so much worse.

This show is It's like "My Drunk Kitchen" on a major network. The writers must be drunk, right? That's the only explanation that makes sense.

People buy letterman jackets on eBay? That doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would have a big resale market. I mean, it's got the school's name on it. And the player's.

And now Sam has a Bro Date for Valentine's Day. Does that mean the Irish kid is sticking around? I fail to see what he adds to the show. No offense, Irish kid, I'm sure you're a lovely person, but I'd prefer to see the principle cast interact with each other.

If you take nothing else away from this episode, please take this: Don't give money to the Salvation Army, kids. They hate gay people. The fact that the writers of this show can't even do that much research just pisses me off.


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