I will not sign up for
gleeremix. I will not sign up for...seriously. That's how I got into this mess in the first place.
But I did sign up for
au_bigbang. Twice!
Here are my sign-ups:
1) An AU featuring Kurt and Puck based on the 1980 film
"My Bodyguard". The setting is still Lima, but Kurt transfers to McKinley from elsewhere and pretty much everything else is different. I don't know if the actual glee club will even factor into the fic. Probably not. (Characters; yes. The singing part; I doubt it.)
2) Total AU, set post-high school. Finn's a professional football player with a career-threatening injury; Will Schuester is his physical therapist. There will also be Kurt/Puck in the background; Kurt's still Finn's stepbrother and Puck's still his teammate, but those are the only details that carry over from canon.
I feel a little bit like MUST WRITE ALL THE FICS, given how much I've produced in this fandom in such a short time, but I can't seem to help myself. (It's becoming a problem, actually. I might need a fandom crazy intervention.)
My experiences with the only other two big bangs I've participated in are as follows: In RPS Big Bang I finished my story (37,000 words) but my artist bailed without notice. In the first round of AU Big Bang my fic went unclaimed, so I dropped out and then never finished the story, despite writing 25,000 words. It was pretty disheartening, ngl. I am already preparing myself for the inevitability that the Finn/Will fic will go unclaimed. I might have better luck with Kurt/Puck, but I'm trying not to be optimistic.
There's just something about me and fan art. It's like the universe is aligned against it or something. (Which is a crying shame, because I appreciate the hell out of it and artists generally don't want to make me any. That is not a plea or anything. I'm just stating fact.) Ah, well. It makes me appreciate the few pieces of fan art I have been gifted with that much more.
Whatever, whatever. I am writing Kurt/Puck My Bodyguard fic, nothing else matters. Well, the rest of my writing projects matter, I suppose. Currently I have the following in progress:
+ The Woke Up Married fic, obv. -- 22,541 words
+ That Criminal Minds fic you think I'm never going to finish -- 27,040 words
+ That one CSI fic I owe somebody -- 459 words
+ The next four, maybe five parts of DIWWCF -- 0 words
+ A Home Is-verse Proposal fic -- 250 words
+ The Home Is-verse Finn/Will prequel -- 931 words
+ The next-to-last part of the Traveling Shoes series, which is mostly done but needs more porn, I think, which is a drag because I'm really not in the mood -- 12,525 words
+ Big Bang the first -- 0 words
+ Big Bang the second -- 19 words (not a typo)
I think that's it. THAT'S PLENTY. Honestly, typing all that out makes me hate myself a little.
LJ as messageboard:
ruggerdavey, yes I saw your comment. I am being RL avoidant right now; sorry. I know you know how that is, so I hope you will forgive me. I'll get back to you once I check with
wonderlandchick to find out when she's in town.
Right. I should go to bed. Tuesday nights are 'report to my sister's house for the financial planning seminar we're taking' nights, and there's not even any wine. Also I spent the entire day looking very much like someone had punched me right between the eyes, my dark circles are so bad.
Though one of the new girls in the children's room passed me on the way out at the end of the day and said I looked "really good" and she liked my outfit. She's cute and younger than me and quite stylish, so that compliment went a long way when I sort of needed the boost. Thanks, cute new girl!