On the last day of Hanukkah, I bring you a classic from the always fabulous Tom Lehrer, who reminds us of the virtues of vacationing in warm weather over the winter holidays:
Tom Lehrer -- (I'm Spending) Hanukkah In Santa Monica Glee gets a +10 for everything involving Coach Beiste ever, and a -1,000,000 for everything else. KURT, GO HOME. YOUR ONLY SCENE LAST NIGHT WAS STUPID AND POINTLESS AND IF YOU KEEP FALLING IN LOVE WITH EVERY BOY WHO LOOKS AT YOU SIDEWAYS YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANY SELF-RESPECT.
Even overlooking that scene (except for the singing, which was great, Darren and Chris are wonderful together; also I do enjoy how the writers concur with my characterization that Kurt is an excellent gift-giver, though I don't appreciate the fact that they got there by blatantly stereotyping, I mean come ON, Schue might as well have said "Basically you're the only gay dude I know LOL please help me shop that's what you people do, right?") and the fact that Chris is barely a part of the cast now, there was nothing else about this episode to like. Well, okay, there were Schue's Many Shades Of Flannel. And the Grinch scene was, of course, masterfully played by Jane Lynch and Lauren Potter. And I almost cried when Beiste was talking to Brittany.
But everything else was completely awful. Especially Emma's, "Oh, you're so pathetic, come to Christmas with my new husband, Will." HE HAS PARENTS, WRITERS. God. I feel like I'm watching season 7 CSI.
Oh, and also? Why the fuck was "Welcome Christmas" not on the Christmas album? Now THAT was a great performance. Instead we get the millionth retread of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" (I'm sorry, Glee cast, I know you guys love each other and you're a happy shiny family etc., but Naya can't really sing) and that creepy performance of the Island of Misfit Toys? Not on, FOX. Not on.
Stop making me want to write fix-it fic, Show. I kind of wanted to write that football AU next, but now I'm going to have to write stupid Christmas fic. Thanks a lot.